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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Have you completed your businesses marketing strategy for 2017/18? If you want to hit and execute your sales goals for the coming year then you might want to take action now. 

If you have left it until now to write your 2017/18 marketing strategy, then you are really hitting a fine line, because there is a lot to be done before executing a powerful, deliberate marketing campaign in July that will see your company hit sales targets, connect with customers and accelerate your potential in the marketing for the year to come.
Results will always speak for themselves, no matter how convincing the sales pitch is. 
As an avid technology enthusiast and entrepreneur, finding new and upcoming technologies that may be instrumental in either Marketing Eye's or our clients future marketing campaigns is a passion. 

Recently, one such technology asked for Marketing Eye's competitors, and did an analysis on where they sit from a digital perspective compared to Marketing Eye Atlanta. It was fascinating. Our company is a mere 4 years old in the US, and in year one, we realized that we outperformed all our competitors on Google listings/rankings and all areas of social media. It was something we were very proud of, as we don't spend all day pushing this medium, but a bit over 30 minutes in total including writing this blog.
Although most Millennials are great at social media, there are many factors to think about when developing a social media strategy. Whether you are a startup with no following and no brand recognition or a company which has been around for years, the process of using social media effectively stays constant. Here are keys to stay on your A-game in social media:
Am I am entrepreneur first or a marketer first these days? 

I'm sitting at the Qantas Lounge at the Melbourne International Airport ready to board another flight to Los Angeles. I am a tad tired. 2.15am wakeup wasn't my best work, but sometimes excitement does get the best of me. Travelling for me, is exciting and part of the bigger adventure. I get to meet people that inspire me, shock me and sometimes join me on my journey as a friend, client or person "I just know".

Meeting people when you are an introvert is completely and utterly out of your comfort zone, and I know the value of being outside your comfort zone. It's one of the best things that can happen, especially if you are an entrepreneur.
The world is filling up with people who are quick to jump at conclusions and ascertain their own opinions with little backing. This has led to a rather volatile and uninformed movement by the younger generation. Being a millennial myself, I want to examine why this shift is taking place and how we can turn this ship around.
Lead generation through sharing content on social media has grown in importance over the past few years. Many marketers have caught onto this concept and have used it to the fullest potential by sharing news, blogs, customer service information, and tips...with a twist. The thought up images and carefully curated canva posts that marketers are making are becoming more and more like a subtle sales pitch. In the past, seeing any promotional components in posts would turn off potential leads, however, because of this shift and slow, easy transition, it is a new norm.

Are you still searching for that perfect time to post online? Each platform has its own prime time and lucky for you, we’ve done our research and know exactly when you should be posting.
Are You Getting Caught In The Mess?

It is easy to fall behind the times in this fast moving world of digital marketing and advertising. There are several easy and painless ways to stay current and put yourself on the map!  
Starting  your career and wondering where you fit in the mix? Well, don't wonder any further. It's quite simple. You are either on your way to astronomical success that may lead to a) a future CMO position b) a job as a Martech c) entrepreneurism d) stalemate.

Marketing Executives don't just have degrees

When you are paying $30,000 to $60,000 per year in the US to gain an under graduate degree of some form, whether its marketing, management or communications - then you would want to make the most of it. But the truth is, few and far between do. They choose to holiday and party in summer and other vacations rather than get leg up on other students by taking on internships in chosen fields.
Go mobile

No, you’re not crazy, Millennials, in fact, are glued to their smartphones, I’m not joking there are facts to support it. According to a report done by Experian Millennials spend just about over 2 hours a day - 14.5 hours a week - on their smartphones. The report goes on to state that in fact, so much time is spent on their smartphones that it accounts for 41 percent of the total time that the American population spend using smartphones, despite Millennials only making up 29 percent of the US population.

But wait, it gets even crazier.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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