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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Twitter is awesome for business. Seriously awesome. Even this week, a new client signed with Marketing Eye on $24,000 for the year via following me on Twitter. I love it! A small investment in time for a great return. It helps promote the Marketing Eye brand globally, encourages people to go to our website, increases the number of people who read our marketing blogs and engages at a level that 10 years ago, we would not have been able to do.

But, there are a few things that annoy me about twitter.
Once I lost 1000 followers in a day. I quickly looked back at all my Twitter posts only to find that I didn't write anything that was particularly offensive or would warrant this type of dramatic reaction from my followers.

I genuinely thought someone had hacked my account but couldn't understand why. Who would waste that much time deleting followers.

But the culprit was someone I did not suspect. Someone I had a lot of trust in. It was...
Marketing Eye received a ranking last week on Twitter and it had me thinking...
As an advocate for Twitter and someone who has benefited immensely in terms of sales and following from this platform, I have to say yesterday was a very sad day in our relationship.

Google for Small Business

If you haven’t sent off your details to be included in the latest social network craze, Google , then you should do so – immediately!

With more than 25 million people joining in the first month, since its launch at the end of June, Google may very well, become the most successful social network of all time.

Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube and a good website that ineracts with your customers, on all levels - tis the small business marketing machine.

It's true. Small business, may be a BIG business online if your machine is well oiled and working efficiently, generating the results that you expect.

Thursday... not feeling well.

Friday... sick.
Saturday... sick.
Sunday... sick.

Now, why is this good for small business? On Thursday, it wasn't. On Friday, it wasn't, well, not until it was well and truly into the evening. Saturday and Sunday, it was.

When you are forced to STOP, it's impossible not to clear everything from your mind and get on with the job at hand, and that is getting well.

Meetings are missed, proposals are not sent, work is not completed. It really is a royal pain in the a***. BUT, this down time can be good for your small business. As a small business marketer, I try to absorb every possible item of advertising, marketing and public relations activity that crosses my path. There are millions of pieces day-in, day-out that I am confronted with. Of course, I don't take in everything, but I do try and absorb as much as possible and relate it back to the Marketing Eye client base.
It’s true. Twitter is addictive. I can attest to that because I can’t go a day without looking at it, sending numerous tweets and then racing to my google analytics account to see what the response is.
Here I go blogging away, tweeting about my experiences, updating my facebook with “having a great day” and uploading photographs of a boozy night out with the gals.
I am addicted to twitter, facebook, sweet buscuits, Nutrient Water and Entourage. I can’t live without them and I am so absorbed in each of these things, that I fret when they are not accessible.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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