Here they are:
1. The screen freezes a bit too often and a message comes up that there are too many people using twitter. Well, it so happens that if I am on twitter, I want to use it and we because of how society is today, we all want it now, not later - so, increase your bandwidth twitter! Us Tweeters are an impatient bunch.
2. The word "pending". Seriously, if I have taken the time to find out about someone on twitter and I click "follow", I don't want to be PENDING. Immediately when this happens, I cancel my follow. Don't people realise this? If you are on Twitter and you don't want people following you, block them. A suggestion only.
3. People that say "thank you" to every single person (@thankyou) who follows them. Seriously, who has that sort of time? Besides that, it makes me look bad because I don't do it and there is a tint of jealousy in this point because I know that it is polite and I really want to, but don't. Therefore, selfishly, when I see it - it's another reminder that some people have more time than I.
4. Quantity over quality. I know some people pay for technology to send tweets for them all day long - but seriously - STOP. Annoying.
5. The use of too many hashtags. #hateit #annoying #sometimescringeworthy
6. People who say, "follow me on facebook". I am following you on Twitter - isn't that enough. Whatever you can say on facebook, surely you can say on twitter.
7. Ass-kissers, fakers, false experts.... did I say that out loud???? Ooops.
8. "I am going to sleep" - really, who cares? People that over-share - #annoying.
9. People that only update twitter with quotes. Love a few of them, but seriously, if that is all you have to say, then perhaps you need a life. Fast! Or a new direction. Every person has something to add to Twitter and is interesting, fascinating, knowledgeable and thought provoking in some shape or form - so let us see that side of you too. Inspiration is good, knowing you is better.
10. Over plugging. We don't mind a bit of shameless promotion, but all day long, every day? Is it necessary? Sharing a story in a newspaper - ok. But sharing the same story 20 times - concerning! Well, probably not concerning... that may be an exaggeration, but it becomes a little dull.
And... last but not least - mean people or people who deliberately belittle others. Not necessary. Only leads to one result - UNFOLLOW.