Marketing Eye

The word ‘sustainability’ has almost become a buzzword. With an increasing consumer demand for sustainable practice within businesses, this term is being commonly used in the media. In some instances, perhaps it’s being used purely to capture the attention of the customer.

With the new year just around the corner, many businesses are beginning to plan and jumpstart their creative cycles again. However, for many people, planning new marketing content can sometimes feel like a formidable task, especially when you are left feeling time constricted and empty on ideas.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you struggle to think of new ways to be distinct in the market?
  2. Have you run out of ideas for marketing content?
  3. Are you looking for a fresh new start to your marketing?

 If you answered YES to the following, then consider your problems solved!

Discover how you can effectively deliver your marketing content in your next plan by following these tips:

Traveling the world, whether it is for business or pleasure, allows you to learn and discover the morals and ethics of people all around the world. In business, especially successful businesses, transactions, and interactions internationally are almost guaranteed to occur. Companies and businesses have made it a trend to place more value on the employees with multicultural backgrounds and talents. Having someone apart from the team gives an advantage to the business or company when they do decide to venture into the international field.
Marketing is occurring whenever and wherever throughout everyday life. Whether through advertisements, logos or commercials, we are exposed to thousands of marketing avenues daily. A person’s biggest marketing tool, especially when searching for means to make money, is their resume. Unfortunately, resumes are not as easy as slapping down a few facts about yourself as well as a few jobs you have had in the past. Here are a few tips on how to properly develop a resume that will market your talents effectively:
You wake up, get ready, and set out for your day. You love what you are wearing and you’ve got a great cup of coffee in your hand. You’re thinking it is going to turn out to be a pretty good day. And then you hit it, traffic. Every morning, without fail, there is traffic somewhere in the city. Seeing those brake lights light up can be one of the most frustrating things.
Marketing to seniors isn’t old news; however, just like the millennial generation and generation X, senior citizens are adapting and evolving to marketing tactics more quickly than we give them credit. It can be tough to effectively communicate your message to them because they were born into a different time, but are also a part of today’s ever-changing world.

You can’t afford to just look past this powerful demographic, even if senior citizens take longer than your average consumer to make a buying decision. This well-aged group has 77% of the wealth in the United States. To get you on your way, here are five tips that can help you engage those seniors.
road_success-300x225It’s time to get serious. Very serious! 

Each day, I will publish ways to improve your small business marketing that are simple, yet effective. By Friday, you will have 100 ways in which to promote your business better. If you have some ideas of your own, please comment and I will be happy to add them in. Thousands of people read Marketing Eye’s marketing blog each week, so any great ideas or experiences is greatly appreciated!
It’s sad but true. Some people, no matter what good intentions they have, will never be successful.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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