Marketing Eye
I was in New York sipping champagne courtesy of Waldorf Astoria's fantastic service, mingling with the rich and famous mostly because I was in the right place at the right time, and breathing in all that this fast paced, inspirational city has to offer.

I am a bit anxious! It's the first official day back in the office and I am flying to Sydney for meetings and a few days working with the team there - and it's daunting. With so many expectations for 2014 and a lot of work to get through in the first few days, even I wish I had taken a few more days off.

Well, that was not to be and there possibly isn't too many entrepreneurs out there that have taken much of the month off unless of course they have children.

If I could have a dollar for every time I didn't trust my gut instinct, I would be a very rich woman.

Like most entrepreneurs, I have failed more times than I have succeeded and every single time I have failed I have thought back to how I could have done things differently. 9 times out of 10, it was because I didn't trust my gut instinct.

Trusting in yourself and your intuition is important, but if you are anything like me, you second guess what you think you should do and find reasons as to why you should do something a different way. It's not too indifferent from taking a risk. We are all reluctant to take risks but sometimes there is this thing inside us that tells us that we must do it - even though there a thousand reasons why we shouldn't.
As the plane landed, something lifted. I am not sure what it was, but I felt differently. I was home.

Melbourne has been my home for a good part of the past 10 years and although I felt as though I would never quite feel the same about this adopted city as I do of Sydney, somehow without me realizing it, I changed my mind.
Most founders and entrepreneurs have their heads stuck so far up their you know what, to actually take the time to truly learn something from the young guns in their offices.

Another gross generalization, but the reality is that too many of the Gen-Xers who have started businesses 5 years ago, are working their butts off and are not spending the time needed to lessen their load by giving the young, up-and-coming executives the chance to really make a difference.

Here's my experience. I was sharing a glass of wine with Maikayla Desjardins, a Marketing Executive at Marketing Eye Atlanta yesterday and I asked the question, "why did you leave your job in New York and come and work for me in Atlanta?"

Her first response was: "You sold me on Atlanta as this awesome place to live - but let's face it, it's not quite New York!"
Marketing Eye is expanding and evolving… and you could be a part of our global growth.

We’re on the hunt for an experienced marketing communications manager to head a Melbourne team. Because our work is so varied and diverse, we’re taking our time to pick the right person with the right mix of experience across a broad range of marketing skillsets. Our salary packaging is commensurate with experience and passion for marketing, and great performance will be rewarded with bonuses and perks.

Every now and then I do a promotion just to see what the response is like. Today is one of those days.
Believe it or not, by the end of this week, you will have 100 ways to market your small business.

What do you think of DMG Communications new business cards? We are interested in what you think of how their new brand has now been translated into a communicative piece of collateral in the form of a business card.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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