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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important tactics for marketers and business owners looking to boost their website traffic. Optimizing your website pages, images, and blog posts help to ensure that your website is visible to more people. Search Engines like Google don’t know who you are, or how great your products are. All they can do is match users up with websites that include the key terms they are searching for. SEO involves embedding these terms into your website, increasing the chance that potential customers will find you.

One of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to optimize your website is through blog posts. These should be well-written- long-tail forms of content that contain keywords that are relevant to your company, products, and what users will be searching for. There are so many benefits and hacks when it comes to writing well-optimized blogs and boosting website traffic. In this post, we discuss the importance of blogs and their effects on SEO.

As the global marketing space continues to evolve and change, so must we. It is not enough to rely upon a college degree or traditional marketing theories. Being a successful marketer requires you to draw upon a diverse range of skillsets and apply your knowledge.

It can take years to truly master the art of marketing but homing in on relevant skills in the short term can help take your marketing game to new levels. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list below of the ten most essential skills you’ll need as a marketer to succeed and provide the best experience for your clients.

Blogging is one of the useful tools in a marketer’s arsenal, allowing them to provide value-driven content that educates and informs the audience. Blogs are great for engaging your audience with information that provides value to their needs. While blogging is certainly not a new strategy for marketers, it’s easy enough for blogs to fail without the right processes in place. Below, we discuss the elements that go into making a blog fail and how to avoid them.

When you’re building an SEO report for a client, it probably features a multitude of considerations to optimize their website like the page level traffic, bounce rate, or the amount of time that users spend on the site. All of this is helpful, but is it the most essential information for your report? Hypothetically, let’s say you can only include one piece of information in an SEO report. The one element that should be included in every SEO report is the conversion rate and goal completion.

Staying relevant in your industry is harder than ever. Every industry is overly saturated with companies fighting for the attention of their audience. Each company has its way of providing value, and it can be challenging to convince your customers that you provide a more valuable product than your competition. For this reason, you need to be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack to survive. Search engine optimization is a great strategy to not only maximize the visits to your website, but it can also keep your efforts relevant and competitive in a saturated market. Below, we have some of the ways that search engine optimization can benefit the marketing performance of your business.

Staying relevant in your industry is harder than ever. Every industry is overly saturated with companies fighting for the attention of their audience. Each company has its own way to provide value, and it can be really difficult to convince your customers that you provide a more valuable product than your competition. For this reason, you need to be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack to survive. Search engine optimisation is a great strategy to not only maximise the visits to your website, but it can also keep your efforts relevant and competitive in a saturated market. Below, we have some of the ways that search engine optimization can benefit the marketing performance of your business.  

Startup founders understand the importance of marketing, but the life of a startup founder is a changing landscape of measuring the needs of the product you’re building or raising the funds to build it. With all of the things they have to think about daily, startup founders simply don’t have the time to focus on their target audiences, marketing niches, marketing campaigns or a marketing strategy. So how does a startup company market its product? With an outsourced marketing department! Outsourcing your marketing not only takes that burden off of your shoulders, but it also ensures that your marketing efforts are given the attention and care they need from the beginning.

There are plenty of marketing acronyms that markers have to keep track of like SEO, SEM, SMO, CRO. It can be difficult to keep everything straight, especially the difference between SEO and SEM. So, what exactly does SEM mean? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a sort of umbrella term that covers search engine optimization and paid advertisements. SEM is an effective way for businesses to reach new customers, increase revenues and trim acquisition costs.

Marketing is constantly changing, but it’s changed more in the last 10 years than ever before. As the number of online users steadily increases, our digital footprint needs to increase to meet the demand for an online presence. To keep up, we need to have an acute understanding of what digital marketing is, how it works, and what we need to implement to ahead of the curve. Below, we have compiled some of the bigger pieces of digital marketing that you should consider for your business.

Does your company have a blog? If not, What are you waiting for? With today’s online consumer behavior, blogging has become a vital part of maintaining an online presence. Blogging can essentially divert traffic, increase sales, and improve conversions for your business as well as develop relationships with your readers.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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