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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

The buyer's journey has shifted, and it is progressing even more. People are now using web searches and social platforms to influence how they purchase products in today's market.  With the help of our cellphones, tablets, and computers, we are all digital consumers. Because of this, we now have more information at our fingertips, a better understanding of how customers interact with brands, and an idea on what leads someone to make purchases.

Online consumers have evolved, and so has their journey. Promotion within your company isn't going to cut it anymore. Why? At this day and age, customers can now research on their own and may not need assistance from a company until they are ready to take the next step, purchasing a product or service. Since buyers wish to govern their discovery process, it is your job to use the right tactics to guide them towards your business.

When building out new web pages, whether it’s a blog, contact us page, or informational, search engine optimization (SEO) needs to be employed. Here are 7 simple tips to follow when building out new pages.

One of the biggest myths small businesses owners believe to be true is that press releases are only successful for large businesses. You do not have to have to have a full public relations department or be a huge corporation to attract media attention. Whether your small business is interested in building brand awareness, online presence, or SEO, a press release is a cost-effective way to inform people about your company news. 
We’ve probably all heard the term SEO thrown around a lot at this point. The way some people believe in it and others don’t, you’d almost think it was a religion. But to set the record straight, there is a place for SEO and then there is a point where it becomes a money pit. Let’s talk about that fine line: 
How do you create the ideal website? How valuable is it? These are questions that many business owners are searching for answers to, and the biggest gap in the road lies with the tactics behind your website. Whether you have a marketing department internally or rely on an agency for your coding and website design, it is crucial to have a website which is strategically built for your audience. So what does this look like? Well let’s take a look:
You have probably heard rumors of this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service which is crucial to the success of every business with a website. Do you know what SEO is? If not, don’t fret. There are many people, even marketers, who are still trying to wrap their heads around the science of it. As ambiguous and challenging SEO is, there is reason and a process to the madness.
Are You Getting Caught In The Mess?

It is easy to fall behind the times in this fast moving world of digital marketing and advertising. There are several easy and painless ways to stay current and put yourself on the map!  
So… you’ve put up a website and it’s beautiful. Everything moves smoothly, it has beautiful graphics, the message is tight, it’s mobile responsive, basically it’s perfect, but you have a big fat ZERO when it comes to traffic. Alright, maybe it’s not zero but with traffic so low it may as well be. Sadly, the internet doesn’t work like Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come,” there is so much more to it than that.
Marketing technology is an essential part of the marketing mix. To understand fully the implementations of various technology platforms, is hard and near impossible for most full-time marketing managers navigating today’s competitive landscape. [space height="HEIGHT"]
This week, we have been completing our yearly in-depth training sessions with our U.S. based team. That means reminding ourselves about all areas of marketing, and what role technology plays in powering marketing performance. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Like most seasoned marketers, we break up the marketing technology mix into six categories; marketing experiences, operations, middleware, platforms, infrastructure and internet.
Entrepreneurs, managing directors, CEO's, Presidents, CMO's, marketing managers and digital marketing directors are all thinking about how their 2015 marketing strategies are going to be executed - after all it's that time of year.

While most B2B organizations have been fine tuning their marketing strategies for months, other's are only now just scrambling to put one together. At Marketing Eye, December and January is our highest inquiry month predominantly due to so many companies waiting until the last minute to develop their marketing strategies.

It's crazy because by leaving it to the last minute, you are already starting behind the 8-ball and giving your more organized competitors a head start. 

Here are some things that you should be thinking about:

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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