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The pressure is on with the end of financial year, just days away.
As I travel around the world, I am always fascinated by the different marketing consultants in various regions.
A new financial year and already we are in day 4. Every end of financial year or start to the new year for that matter, is like a fresh start to many small businesses. It’s a time to re-think your strategy, re-invent your marketing programs and rejuvenate your team.
Small business owners are at this time of year under enormous pressure. With all the finance regulations with their strict deadlines and superannuation – it all can be a bit daunting. For many of my friends who own small businesses, they head off after end of financial year to refresh their batteries and get some much needed rest and relaxation.
Every small businesses have customers and one thing we all know, is that if we don’t provide the service they expect, they will go elsewhere.
Marketing Eye works with supply chain solutions company, Northern Stevedoring Services and has handled all marketing activities for the company since the current General Manager took over about 3 years ago.
White-Party-in-Fitzroy-Street-MelbourneEver wondered how some people get a story in the paper, whilst others do not even though they may be more successful, make more money, have more prestigious clients and have a better name? Public relations is just what is says. It is free publicity about you and/or your company. Some call it simply ‘human relations’.
It’s not enough to have a great idea for a business. You also have to make sure the world hears about it.
Today, this stylish young woman walked into my office, boldly introduced herself as Marketing Eye’s new intern and proceeded to tell me how enthusiastic she is about working with my firm.
Corona has always been ahead of the game when it comes to marketing. With years of memorable advertising campaigns that have ignited people around the globe to guzzle Corona Beers by the truckload, Corona has yet again successfully won the marketing kudos for their latest campaign.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.