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Yesterday I met with the delightful owners of Sisko Chocolate. They have this incredibly cute store in Hawthorn that is accompanied by a chocolate making facility that sculptures chocolate for special occasions – weddings, corporate gifts, fathers day, mothers day – you name it.

Whilst many Australian’s think chocolate is a Cadbury bar, those in the know know that it is so far from the case – it is ridiculous. Chocolate is a real art and here is a talented duo, in Melbourne, that are making a big impact.

Check them out on www.siskochocolate.com.au – they are a MARKETING EYE’S DREAM CLIENT!


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As I said, it’s been a big week at Marketing Eye! Marketing Eye Brisbane has developed this new website for telecommunications gun, Donna Gresham. DMG Communications now have a new brand, new identity and new website.
How do they do it? It’s a question that all entrepreneurs ask themselves at one stage or another. We see companies all the time that are in our space and they have grown phenonomenally over a short period of time. Sometimes they then fall flat and other times, they keep going. The latter is harder to achieve.
In a rush – too much work to do!
Nadia Kerr’s personalised gifts business, DigiGifts, explains what marketing avenues worked and what did not in her road to success. Log onto www.DigiGifts.com.au and find out about what it takes to be a leader in the personal gifts industry.
It’s sad but true. Some people, no matter what good intentions they have, will never be successful.
066.21-300x225It’s been a big week! I haven’t sat still, even for a second.
Brisbane small businesses now can have a ‘marketing eye’ in their business!
Who would have thought? As a person who much prefers plane travel to road travel, Mildura to me has always been the place where you can buy some nice wine from and where most transport companies travel through.
Have you ever felt exhausted just by the thought of all the things you have to do each day as a small business owner?
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.