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Having a go is very Australian and since my short stay in Paris, I have realised just how much Australian’s really are ‘having a go’.
Travelling the world talking to business people can sometimes make everything seem so much more clearer.

The rev-heads were out soaking up the smell of burning rubber at the 2010 Qantas Grand Prix at Albert Park on the weekend.
Tuesday morning, isn’t exactly the fresh Monday start I was looking for, but nevertheless, it is the first day of the working week.
kick-in-shinsJust when small business thought they were getting back on track, the Reserve Bank issues another rate rise.
Small businesses need marketing and so many of them, just can’t find the time to do it.
ist1_5394864-storm-in-a-teacup-with-pathThe path to business success is never easy but as our entrepreneurial skills improve, our experiences increase and our understanding of the different business dynamics that exist from one organisation to another, it certainly does get to a stage that when faced with an obstacle, we are able to handle it alot better.
Something strange is going on.  A lot of successful business people say that there comes a time in your business life cycle that it either plateaus or the business fires with the injection of new products or services.
Ms-and-nic-300x20215 years ago… big hair, ghastly makeup and daggy clothes. Here I am with one of my best friends, Nicole, in Cairns, North Queensland on a girls weekend away. 

At the time, I worked in marketing for a large retailer and Nicole worked for News Limited. We lived together and like most girls that age, we spent night after night talking about how one day we would do this and one day we would do that. We both had big dreams and were prepared to put in the hard yards to achieve them.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.