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Having avoided heading to the office on the 5th January, 2009, by working from home on the company’s business plan for 2009, today I am now ready to get started.
When one fancies themselves as a bit of a creative, it’s hard to ignore that urge that consumes you when an opportunity to pitch for a relatively large account comes your way.
$27.95 per day for a Marketing Manager : Small Businesses Benefit from Finance Package
Over the years, I have always thought being friends with your competitors is a very grey area. It’s grey because there is a limit about what you can share with them about your business whether you are best friends or not.
Is your website costing you money or making you money? Does it depict what your brand is trying to communicate? Are prospects spending time on your site? Is there more you could be doing to improve your website? Do you know what pages prospects are interested in and which ones they are not?
Whilst tennis players are getting through their first round, they all know that to keep on making it through to the finals, they need to step up to the mark.

If I look happy – I am! Who wouldn’t be sunning themselves in Byron Bay? For 3 days, I have soaked up the sun, shopped, swam, ate, drank and done business with local Byron Bay residents.
Have you ever wet your pants with laughter?

When I think about laughing so hard, that you get a stitch in your stomach or as some people say, you wet your pants, 3 particular occasions spring to mind.
Over the year’s I have listened to many people tell me how to sell. I have attended numerous seminars and courses with great’s like Jack Daly and gained invaluable knowledge and motivation on how to attack the sales process in my business.
It’s only February 8th and I am already hearing companies say how busy they are. So busy in fact, that they don’t have time to do marketing.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.