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Marketing Eye is next year expanding its business into regional and rural Australia, giving our country counterparts the same advantages as those small businesses in the city.
Medical Centres are like airlines… no really, they are.
SS_webconcept-300x252Steel Supplies Charters Towers gets a new website… well, almost!

Today, our Creative Director designed this website for North Queensland’s number one steel supplies company, Steel Supplies Charters Towers.
OPRAH-003-300x225Oprah is in town and unless you have been living under a rock, you not only know she is travelling Australia, but you probably know as much detail as the person next to you. 

It’s been a strange phenomena and I think Australia should get a pat on the back for bringing her here. I personally had no idea that she had so many fans – obviously there are alot of daytime television watchers in Australia with a little more time on their hands than myself.

It can happen! All it takes is a good hard look at your brand, your value proposition and how you are communicating it to the market – and of course, a Marketing Eye.

Bonjour! Yes, I have been in Paris, doing a bit of business and enjoying the beautiful Autumn Parisan weather.

Like many people that have travelled to the city of love, I am totally besotted by its beauty and the promises it holds for anyone that visits.

Marketing Eye is offering businesses the opportunity to have their own Marketing team and a website created for $500 per week.


When I speak to any really good communicator, and ask them what is their secret, they always say that they listen.

Listening to what your customers, staff, friends and family need to say to you, whether it is positive or negative is often the most powerful thing you can do.

The world wide web is such a wonderful thing.

Every day I spend more and more time searching, writing, commenting and reading information on the web. It’s part of my every day life almost like drinking water.

Are you holding back your own business? Are you the reason why sales aren’t what it should be?

Day after day I speak with entrepreneurs who have a great business concept, excellent service and are in general really nice people, but they don’t know how to sell themselves nor do they know how to put their best foot forward.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.