Marketing Eye
I love this quote. I found it on the Goals Journal from Kikki.k and instantly wanted to write about it. It's so true. It's your choice as to whether you go backwards, stand still or go forwards. Every single thing you do in your life will inch you closer to a better tomorrow if you let it.

Things I do to make sure I have a better tomorrow:
I was in New York sipping champagne courtesy of Waldorf Astoria's fantastic service, mingling with the rich and famous mostly because I was in the right place at the right time, and breathing in all that this fast paced, inspirational city has to offer.
Today I read an article that Ashton Kutcher shared on Facebook "8 Fears and Insecurities Everyone Has"

What resonated with Ashton was:

No. 1 I'm not good enough
No. 2 My work isn't good enough
No. 6 I'm afraid of failing/disappointing
No. 7 If people knew the real me, they wouldn't like me

Interesting. It's got me thinking. What are my fears and insecurities?

We all have fears and insecurities - it's human nature after all. As a woman in her early 40's that is single with a fast growth business, I possibly have more fears than insecurities.

After a bit of soul searching, this is what I came up with:

Everyone at some time in their lives has felt that their world has curved in. Things become heavy, dark and almost impossible to keep afloat - but there is light at the end of the tunnel, if only we all can see it.

It's how we handle these experiences of difficulties that show our real character and ability to be resilient in the face of adversity now and in the future.

As I sit typing on my keypad, I am thinking about whether or not it is at all possible to 'have it all'. 

When I look out at some of my friends, no matter how successful they are, they still have things in their lives that they want to improve or put more effort into. Relationships usually being the staple amongst those who realize that no amount of business success will ever supercede what you can achieve personally.

I have had an amazing month in so many ways and personally, I have grown more than I could ever imagine. 

I won't deny that I want it all, but I have become more realistic in realizing that that is not possible. You can't have it all - at the same time. It's impossible and those who say that you can, are either living a short-lived fantasy or are hiding what is really going on behind closed doors.

Business has always been a challenge for me. I am not a natural people person and stress overtakes me more times than I care to admit. I worry about and analyze things that don't deserve the effort that I put into it.

I procrastinate, often leave great ideas unfulfilled and sometimes need to have a better poker face. 

The forty year old hangover is over. While the sun didn't come out shining today, the world is as it should be and I am fairly pleased about that.

I celebrated my birthday twice. Once in Australian time and the other in US time. Both were equally fabulous and without flaw. I spent the most amazing couple of days in South Beach Miami and just chilled. Somehow all of the expectations of turning 40 disappeared and I enjoyed the "now". 

Freaking out about turning 40 was wasting energy that could have been better spent elsewhere. I don't know why I started to look in the mirror and feel 10 years older, nor what started me thinking that my life is so miserable, when in fact, it is truly amazing. I am living the best life I could have ever imagined and I am doing things that I never thought possible. 
After a weekend of doing all the things on my to do list, readying myself for a trip to the U.S. that is going to include travelling with my dog, I am taking time to reflect.

It's the experiences in life that make us who we are. I have had the most amazing life journey, growing up in rural Australia with a life full of animals, family and friends. My career has been more outstanding then I ever dreamed of mainly because my expectations were so low and I guess I would have been just as happy following the route of many of my school friends and having a family rather than any major career.

Starting a business at 25 was exhilarating to say the least. I remember when I was 26 years old, with my then business partner, talking about how lucky we were and how we wanted to pinch ourselves because life really couldn't get any better.
Walking in the park this morning, I saw this dog jumping up a tree chasing a possum. I couldn't believe my eye's on how high this dog was jumping.

My dog, Pip, watched the dog but didn't notice that there was a possum up the tree. I am sure she was thinking "what is this dog doing?"

Some people see things that others don't. 

Whether we are looking at an advertising campaign or looking at a piece of art, what one person see's another may not. We can't all be the same, yet we can all appreciate the different view that we take on the things we see in front of us or in the distance. 

Often we all don't take time to understand that the way one person views something to another is not appreciated enough or understood.

I am not sure about today. You know, when you wake up and your sleep wasn't particularly restful, then you go to work and for a second, you have to remember why you are actually there.

Sometimes, life doesn't go as planned. And that is ok.

As we continue to embark on the journey of life, we will experience it in it's enormity. Sometimes we will be so happy, we will literally want to pinch ourselves. Other times, we will be grateful and know that we are lucky to be in the position in life that we are in. There will be times where we will be sad and disheartened, but those, we hope will be few and far between. They will only help us build character and learn what we want out of life and what we do not.

I have had a few days of being disappointed by someone else's actions. But that's ok. They are living their life and I am living mine and at the end of the day, it's their life to live and we can only choose our own paths and learn the lessons we need to learn from our own experiences.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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