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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Are you satisfied with your content marketing practices? Improving our daily marketing tactics is an ongoing, cyclical process that requires a good bit of testing to get right. Content marketing is a great tool for educating and informing your customers, but it’s important to make sure that our content is optimized to perform as well as it possibly can. Below, we’ve got some tips and techniques for improving your content marketing to increase engagement with your audience.

Winning over prospective customers is never an easy task. You have to demonstrate that you are capable of delivering on what your product promises. Writing case studies are a perfect way to showcase your company’s ability to follow through on what you provide. A case study examines the customer’s challenge or pain point and what it took to get a solution. They can vary in length, but the case study should measure success using metrics that your client has agreed upon. A well-written case study shows the positive impact your business has on your customer base. Below, we discuss how to write a case study that will attract new leads.

Webinars may seem like a forgotten form of marketing, but the truth is that webinars aren’t the easiest thing to pull off. It requires months of planning, writing, re-writing, designing, and promotion to finally get to the webinar, but it doesn’t always pay off the way we want it to. There’s a huge difference between good webinars and bad webinars, and it usually boils down to how much work was done in the planning and writing stages. Below, we have some considerations for making sure that your next webinar is great.

Have you ever been on a jog or in a cycling class, and suddenly you have a really brilliant, creative idea? In addition to being physically fit, the effects of exercise on your mind are multi-faceted, and creativity is just one of the benefits.

You get it, posting content is crucial. But make no mistake, the kind of content you are posting is essential to your business’s success. Quit posting content that isn’t going to benefit you- stop making these content marketing mistakes!
In your 40’s, and you haven’t made your mark yet?

I’m almost terrified to write this down, but it is something that has to be said. As I sit with my 40-something year old friends, we all sit with a similar dilemma that leaves each and everyone one of us slightly unfulfilled.

What is the value of writing content? If content is king... how is this defined? When content is written well and tells a story or a message that people resonate with, it is KING. But what happens when it doesn't. When content falls prey to audience misconception or to a swing in favour because your opinion or comments differ from the opinions of your audience?

Olympic swimmer, Stephanie Rice, was innocently tweeting backwards and forwards to a friend and used a word that may be seen as deogratory to people who are homosexual, and all of a sudden she was 'on the nose'. Ousted. Gone.

In Kyle Sandilands latest rants, he said one thing that went a little too far, and all of a sudden, he too has fallen prey to the swing of the public and more importantly, the sponsors who subsidise his wages.

Content management, whether it is in the written form or through a media platform like radio, television, podcasts, webinars, youtube or any other media of this type, needs to be managed.

The written form for small businesses covers custom publishing, custom media, customer media, customer publishing, member media, private media, branded content, corporate media, corporate publishing, branded media, your website, your direct marketing campaigns, blogs, landing pages and more.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

What content marketing is not... is it does not 'sell' in a direct manner. It is un-interrupted marketing. It provides knowledge and explanation driving customer and prospect loyalty.

This marketing blog is a clear example of how content can work for an organisation. It provides information on 'real life' small business operations whether it be how we work with customers, marketing, employees, mentors, finance or expansion. It travels through the daily grind of being an entrepreneur and dealing with real emotions that at times goes up and down according to how the week flows. It is often raw with experiences or up-beat with positivity. The marketing blog uses examples of people that I interact with in business and in life and it cover how your personal life influences your business life.

How can you improve your content marketing immediately?

"Develop case studies and put them online, write a blog, use mobile enabled web outreach with website landing pages, video, advanced search engine optimisation, digital content and be sure to measure through analytics the results. How long are people reading your content? What is more popular?

Hiring a professional writer or a journalist to help you develop content that is readable will be beneficial to any business who is choosing to produce high quality content.


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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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