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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Having worked in the sustainability sector for the past 10 years, marketing businesses 'green' credentials and promoting a greener way of doing business, running your business and getting consumers to understand that making a small change in what you do can mean a big difference to the environment - it's no surprise that the new carbon tax is something that I am becoming increasingly familiar with.
Ok. You've got a good brand. Actually, you have an AWESOME brand. You are in love with it and it seems, so is everyone else.

You have a website. It wasn't exactly what you wanted, but it does a pretty good job. Doesn't drive leads how you thought it would, but as a brochure, it's not too bad and it has all the information your customers need.

You have some great ideas. Well, more than great - your ideas are not too far from some of the one's that Albert Einstein came up with, just no-one knows it yet. Or at least you like to think so.


What pb Human Capital said about Marketing Eye's development of their company website:

"We first heard about Marketing Eye some years ago, and were consistently impressed by the quality of Mellissah's blogs, her marketing & design ideas and forever upbeat attitude. When we wanted a new and updated website, we made sure we spoke to her. To be honest though, we still did our due diligence and met with three firms before making our decision.

Mellissah is exactly the same in person as her social persona. She's great! She blew us away with her ideas for our website which fit neatly into our social networking strategy, our ideal brand image, and the look and feel of the company as we really are. When you couple that with the price (which was amazing, but not our only criterion), we simply had to use Marketing Eye.

The process was seamless, we had an incredibly fast turnaround, and the result was everything we'd hoped for. We're stunned. The website is excellent. It's exactly what we had conceptualised. I would absolutely recommend Marketing Eye to any business - small or large - that needed an expert look at their design and marketing strategy."

With only days until the end of the financial year, in most companies, there is a sense of need to get more sales in to improve the yearly results.

If you are struggling to find ways in which to bring in 'last minute' sales and want a refresh - try some of these helpful tips.

1. Ring your entire client base and see what other services you can give them in this financial year so that they can achieve their business objectives.
Let's get straight to the point. There are many challenges that small businesses face when it comes to marketing - and much of it is internal.

Small businesses:

1. Argue, challenge and brainstorm in June and December each year about what they are going to do for marketing in the year ahead. . . and end up doing nothing.
Whether you are a big business or a small business, "none of us is as smart as all of us" (ref: Kenneth Blanchard, The One Minute Manager).

Truth be known, I don't think I am very smart at all, but collectively with the talents of my team at Marketing Eye, we help small businesses grow and most of our work is pretty awesome (if you ask me!).
Not knowing if your marketing investment is working for you is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to building your business.

Each year, millions of businesses put away funds for investment in marketing services.
Many don't know whether their investment is working or not.

Marketing Eye provides companies with a marketing manager who helps identify your target audience and develop campaigns to generate leads and create sales results.
  Build it and they will come.  
  Marketing Eye builds websites that are on-brand, engaging, response driven, simple to navigate and that bring your brand to life in the minds of your customers.

Created in a hassle-free environment, we drive our clients to better understand what makes their customers tick and importantly, buy.

Not only are our websites award winning, they are only.
  Offer valid before June 30 2011. >> Read More  
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube and a good website that ineracts with your customers, on all levels - tis the small business marketing machine.

It's true. Small business, may be a BIG business online if your machine is well oiled and working efficiently, generating the results that you expect.
Did you make your million? Or 2, or 3, or 4? It's May and it's time to work out whether your pockets are full of coins, or if there is a hole where they seem to have slipped through.

End of Financial Year is a reality check for all businesses. Did you do well this year? Could you have done better? Does your team need to be congratulated on their work and achievements? Who are your big spending clients?
Does anyone else feel stressed, often?

I remember when life was easy, and the most stress I would have was getting a parking fine. That was 20 years ago!

Owning a small business can be the most rewarding job in the world, but as rewarding as it is, if you don't actively manage stress, it can sometimes over take you.

Being 100% on-game, every day is impossible. Whilst I am naturally a spirited individual, I feel overwhelmed by the whole work/life/home balance. Am I alone, or is this a common issue for small business owners. So, how do you manage it?

Eating well?
Having a pet in the workforce?
Being organised?
Life coach?

This blog is interested in sharing with its followers tips on who to destress and manage stress in every day life for a small business owner. Do you have ways to improve stress management? We want to hear all about it!

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


Contact Us

  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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