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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing strategies tailored for Gen Z and Millennials require distinct approaches.. As the digital world evolves over time, so do the consumption habits, and the two generations, although quite similar in many aspects, have some core differences in their values and what they expect from brands. Both groups are technologically savvy, but their preferences and behaviors can greatly influence the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, especially in lifestyle products like sunglasses. Here's a comparison of strategies that could be effective for each group:

It's 2019 and we now live in the age of easy. The age of short attention spans. The age of Simple. This is primarily due to a shift in the current leadership demographic. Regardless of the industry, 

I’m sure some of you, experienced marketers, will combat this idea and that’s completely understandable. Our office boasts some of the sharpest young talent around they don’t blink twice when faced with a challenge. So why am I saying this? It’s simple, many of our clients come to us because of our age. Not because of how many years in marketing we have, or how much knowledge we’ve accrued in one area. Here are some reasons why they trust us: 
Starting  your career and wondering where you fit in the mix? Well, don't wonder any further. It's quite simple. You are either on your way to astronomical success that may lead to a) a future CMO position b) a job as a Martech c) entrepreneurism d) stalemate.

Marketing Executives don't just have degrees

When you are paying $30,000 to $60,000 per year in the US to gain an under graduate degree of some form, whether its marketing, management or communications - then you would want to make the most of it. But the truth is, few and far between do. They choose to holiday and party in summer and other vacations rather than get leg up on other students by taking on internships in chosen fields.
Go mobile

No, you’re not crazy, Millennials, in fact, are glued to their smartphones, I’m not joking there are facts to support it. According to a report done by Experian Millennials spend just about over 2 hours a day - 14.5 hours a week - on their smartphones. The report goes on to state that in fact, so much time is spent on their smartphones that it accounts for 41 percent of the total time that the American population spend using smartphones, despite Millennials only making up 29 percent of the US population.

But wait, it gets even crazier.
In case you have been living under a rock, the “millennial generation” is adults that age from 18 to 34 years old. This generation has been causing a lot of chaos for marketers and brands alike. With a generation so connected to the world and their cellular devices, how do you reach them? It seems that nothing can captivate their attention. Brands are panicking and the attention span of a millennial is shrinking. Is time running out? Maybe and maybe not. Social Media Millennial Marketers [space height="HEIGHT"]
Why not solve the problem with an obvious solution…hire a millennial. They are your target audience and they know exactly how the millennial mind works.
I'm in Sydney and the weather is phenomenal, the harbour is drawing me in, and the team is so busy that I think that they are going to burst at some stage today - but somehow, they never do.

Instead, they step it up, take control, become better organised and push boundaries.

How does that happen?

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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