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With the new year just around the corner, many businesses are beginning to plan and jumpstart their creative cycles again. However, for many people, planning new marketing content can sometimes feel like a formidable task, especially when you are left feeling time constricted and empty on ideas.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you struggle to think of new ways to be distinct in the market?
  2. Have you run out of ideas for marketing content?
  3. Are you looking for a fresh new start to your marketing?

 If you answered YES to the following, then consider your problems solved!

Discover how you can effectively deliver your marketing content in your next plan by following these tips:

Christmas is arguably the busiest time of the year and the biggest booster of annual revenue for brands. It is essential that you market effectively and efficiently during this holiday season, as ‘people are primed to spend money because they are either doing last-minute shopping or are preparing for the year to come and researching which brand they should give business to’. Ensuing from the past year of isolation and lockdowns, the general consensus among marketers and consumers is to start the festive season sooner rather than later and to ‘go bigger’ than ever before. Follow this ultimate guide to marketing during this Christmas period and ensure your brand is benefiting from the increased opportunity for sales during this season.  

The role of the marketer has changed. From the pre-digital days to modern times, this shift has left the marketers’ without the ability to be versatile behind. Historically, marketing campaigns only consisted of a few channels. Now, with the rise of technology, there’s the internet, mobile phones, social media channels and smartphone apps. All of which are instrumental to a successful campaign. Recognising this transition and moving with it, is paramount to the success of a marketer. 

Email marketing has been around for almost as long as marketing itself yet it remains one of the most popular, cost-effective and highest performing marketing channels currently available. A recent eMarketer study shows that the average ROI of email marketing is 122%. This should be enough alone to convince you to use email marketing but if that’s not enough how about the fact that the ROI of email marketing is approximately four times higher than its next closest competitor.

Creating an Instagram ads campaign can be a profitable marketing strategy when it comes to promoting your brand. With over 1.074 billion users worldwide in 2021 and users spending an average of 53 minutes per day on the site, it pays to use Instagram in your social media marketing strategy. However, with Instagram’s popularity comes dense competition and there’s no point creating an Instagram ads campaign if you are not sure who your target audience is, where they are based, and most importantly, what they are likely to respond to.

There are many steps that a marketer must go through before even thinking about creating the content for their Instagram ads campaign. Conducting thorough market research before this will help ensure your campaign is cost-effective and highly precise. In this post, we will outline the key stages to designing a highly precise Instagram ads campaign:

Many believe that great leaders are born or rise to the occasion, but with such a need for leadership ever-present in business, government, and the NFP sector the question hangs, can great leaders be created?

Figuring out how to say less, create less noise, and become more deliberate with your messaging, audiences, and targeting, is about learning to listen better as a marketer. The depth and amplification of your marketing can be achieved by listening more to what consumers are saying and less on the quantity of advertising. Let’s explore why every marketer should be a better listener, and how they can do this.

Today’s consumer has a drastically shorter attention span than ever previously recorded.

According to a study by Microsoft, people struggle to pay attention for more than eight seconds, with this figure falling each year by 88% it is becoming harder for marketers to grab consumer attention and market their product to be engaging and interesting.


If your business is currently struggling with low-quality leads or non-existent leads, a demand generation campaign may be the solution. A demand generation campaign is ideal for businesses that have identified a need that their audience isn’t aware of. Through a demand generation campaign, an audience will better understand what their pain points are, and consequently why your solution is the best fit for their newly found issue.

With the internet and social media apps becoming more and more prevalent, marketing metrics have become one of the most important ways businesses can gain information on how well their online marketing tactics are working. However, this can oftentimes be counterintuitive.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.