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Video marketing has become a dominant trend amongst content marketing strategies, due to its ability to create engagement faster and convey information more effectively. Research shows that audio-visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared than non-audio-visual posts, and videos are the most clicked type of advertising, receiving better engagement than text and image-only ads. Users spend 88% more time browsing on websites that have videos – a clear testimony to the value in video marketing. Like any good thing, it also has its downsides that marketers need to be considerate of when creating their marketing campaign.

Here are the pros and cons when it comes to video marketing. 

Technology is constantly evolving in this day and age, therefore remaining at the forefront of it is imperative to the success of any business. Ensuring that your content is optimized for mobile use is a key part of achieving this. Consumers are no longer willing to work through convoluted websites that are not designed for mobile phones, particularly when they can simply just move to a competitor who has focused on optimizing their content. With over 6 billion people owning phones worldwide, it continues to prove to be the best way to access consumers. Here are a few of the reasons why optimizing your content for mobile is vital. 


Why Every Business Needs A Twitter Presence

Imagine having access to a platform where your business can engage with millions of users around the world, post content, start conversations and create new networks, all while boosting your brand’s awareness and is completely free! Fortunately, Twitter encapsulates all these characteristics and is available to all businesses to market themselves and their products, which is precisely why all businesses are implored to have a strong Twitter presence. Twitter provides your business with the prospect of reaching an even larger audience than you are currently reaching, or thought was even possible. Twitter can also be used to share information about your company, company updates, industry news and even allows you to directly engage with your customers. It is not sufficient to simply have a Twitter account, but it is critical that your business is active on the platform and is using it correctly to gain the full benefits the Twitter has to offer.

Here are some key reasons why your business needs to have an active Twitter presence, if you don’t have one already.

The Coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly changed and continues to change the world as we once knew it. The marketing industry was no stranger to these changes. As companies were forced to close their doors, schools, work, and life, in general, took a turn to digital spaces, and industries had to find new and innovative ways to not only work digitally from home but to keep their consumers engaged in their marketing. Due to this, there were substantial decreases in in-person interactions and advertising, as 97% of marketers noticed a lower in-person marketing engagement. However, the plus side to this is 84.8% have a new increased openness to new digital offerings introduced during the pandemic. 

Now as the world begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we turn the corner into a new year, finding ways to rebuild and maintain the positive brand image and relationship with clients and consumers that may have been lost during the pandemic is crucial. Public Relations is an ample approach to establishing brand recognition and in turn creating customer trust. 

Overnight, COVID-19 changed the way we operate. From turning our dining room tables into at-home offices to wearing a mask and socially distancing, our worlds were flipped upside-down before our eyes. What was originally thought to only last a few months took two years of our lives, and the repercussions are here to stay. 

As we all started working from home, our lives were quickly moved online. Businesses who had embraced the digital switch reaped the rewards, whilst those that had been reluctant to jump onto the digital wave were quickly forced into the world of Zoom meetings and lagging connections. 

Our behaviors and thought patterns changed, and we no longer operate the same way we did pre-pandemic. As we slowly became germaphobes, we also became much more detail orientated. For marketers, that came with a whole array of new challenges. 

The metaverse is a technological amalgamation of many aspects such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and video in which users "live" within a digital realm. This innovative world is being defined as a virtual place with interaction and connectedness, where consumers can diverse themselves in a different dimension. Digital marketers must stay up to date on the latest technological breakthroughs to remain relevant and connected to their audience. Understanding what the metaverse is and what it can do is a large aspect of this strategy. It is crucial that marketers understand that the metaverse is not a mere trend that will soon pass. It appears that the Metaverse is here to stay and is on its way, to becoming the next big thing in the marketing industry. The virtual reality users experience in a metaverse has the ability to transport consumers to an interactive world where they can interact with one another and immerse themselves in an environment that is palpable to them.

As one may expect, the metaverse is a dream for all marketers. Lindsey McInerney, global head of technology and innovation at Anheuser-Busch InBev, recently expressed to Built In that marketing is all about getting to where the people are, and the immersive environment of the metaverse precisely achieves this goal; from targeted marketing and advertising opportunities to fully virtualized brand experiences. 

Taxonomy is commonly known as life’s biological filing system, but did you know that it also extends to marketing? Taxonomy in the context of marketing tends to refer to the classification of data and content. While the task of tagging and labeling is often reduced to monotonous and tedious work, taxonomy is your business’s best tool to improve your business’s content marketing’s find-ability, content marketing strategy, and content marketing distribution. Here’s what your marketing consultant needs to know. 

In most cases, marketing campaigns don’t pick up traction and become successful on their own. The majority have a vast amount of time, money and planning put into them and curated in such a way that they gain the attention desired. 

There is no right or wrong way to approach a marketing campaign. Some tactics will work better in some campaigns and some that would be more appropriate in others. When it comes to knowing an approach to take, it can sometimes be a matter of trial and error. 

Several marketing campaigns were released in 2021 that made our heads turn and go, “wow”. Take Sephora’s “Black Beauty is Beauty” campaign. The video campaign, which was launched in August of 2021 set to acknowledge and give credit to people of color within the beauty industry. 

What is Ephemeral Content

You may be asking yourself what is Ephemeral Content? Well, ephemeral content is media that is only available for a short period, usually 24 hours. It can take many different forms, such as pictures, videos, live-stream videos, and more. It’s typically most common on platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. Businesses have a huge opportunity to reach a young audience by incorporating ephemeral content. According to Statista.com, Instagram stories had 500 million daily active users in 2019, and Snapchat had about 265 million daily active users reported in the fourth quarter of 2020.  This statistic shows the rise in the popularity of short stories. Here are a few reasons why your company needs to be using ephemeral content.

A change is coming and it’s going to change the entirety of the internet as we know it. Blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens, and virtual reality are the first products of Web3 and while these might be unfamiliar to you now, chances are - web3 will be our reality sooner than you think.

What is Web3?

Essentially, the internet has come in stages. Web1 was the very earliest stage of the internet where the skeletal framework of the internet was developed. Think, static information like text and imagery for consumption with zero potential for interaction. Web2 is what we are currently in. Social media has allowed us a new dimension for interaction and innovation – namely mobile, social, and the cloud. Web2 has opened the dimension for anyone that’s not a webpage developer to be a content creator. The seeming trend has been that with further development of the facets of the internet, the more time people are spending online. While the introduction of web3 is undoubtedly going to further merge the barriers between real-life experiences and the online, it is being touted as a revolution that’s changed everything.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.