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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

The world of digital marketing has come a long way in the last few years, and it is only going to become more important as technology continues to evolve and advance. It is likely that digital marketing will continue to play a critical role in reaching and engaging consumers in the future as consumers become more connected and more reliant on digital devices.

Marketing strategies are occasionally based on a blend of gut feeling and prior experience. Directors and chief marketing officers use their knowledge to inform their traditional and digital ad campaign strategies. However, new techniques are required as real-time data and developing technology become more crucial to the success of marketing initiatives.

For many firms, marketing is one of the most critical factors contributing to sales. Therefore, companies continuously look for new and updated ways to market their products. In 2022, the U.S. digital advertising and marketing market is estimated at $460 billion, with an increasing growth rate. With that said, this blog elaborates on the essential marketing tools and trends that your business should use in 2023. 

Overnight, COVID-19 changed the way we operate. From turning our dining room tables into at-home offices to wearing a mask and socially distancing, our worlds were flipped upside-down before our eyes. What was originally thought to only last a few months took two years of our lives, and the repercussions are here to stay. 

As we all started working from home, our lives were quickly moved online. Businesses who had embraced the digital switch reaped the rewards, whilst those that had been reluctant to jump onto the digital wave were quickly forced into the world of Zoom meetings and lagging connections. 

Our behaviors and thought patterns changed, and we no longer operate the same way we did pre-pandemic. As we slowly became germaphobes, we also became much more detail orientated. For marketers, that came with a whole array of new challenges. 

It's 2019 and we now live in the age of easy. The age of short attention spans. The age of Simple. This is primarily due to a shift in the current leadership demographic. Regardless of the industry, 

We’re halfway into the first month of the beginning of the new year. And of course, the internet is flooded with lists of trends and predictions for everything, including marketing. The rise of artificial intelligence, micro-influencers, and smart speaker voice commerce seem to be the common forecast amongst industry professionals.

I’m sure some of you, experienced marketers, will combat this idea and that’s completely understandable. Our office boasts some of the sharpest young talent around they don’t blink twice when faced with a challenge. So why am I saying this? It’s simple, many of our clients come to us because of our age. Not because of how many years in marketing we have, or how much knowledge we’ve accrued in one area. Here are some reasons why they trust us: 
With a dynamic presidential election and various shifts in major advertising platforms, 2016 has been a year full of drastic change in the marketing world. As media advertising spend is down and declining compared to previous years, we can only suspect that 2017 will bring just as many, if not more, changes.

Key things to look out for in 2017:

Lead generation through sharing content on social media has grown in importance over the past few years. Many marketers have caught onto this concept and have used it to the fullest potential by sharing news, blogs, customer service information, and tips...with a twist. The thought up images and carefully curated canva posts that marketers are making are becoming more and more like a subtle sales pitch. In the past, seeing any promotional components in posts would turn off potential leads, however, because of this shift and slow, easy transition, it is a new norm.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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