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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

There are many successful entrepreneurs around the world but for every successful entrepreneur, there are thousands of unsuccessful people. So, what is it that separates a truly successful entrepreneur from the rest of the pack? That’s a loaded question but from all the interviews and biographies we can gather that there are in fact a few things that all successful entrepreneurs have in common. These are the commonalities that seem to take them to the next level and creates the difference between someone who made it and someone who really made it. Here are five undeniable habits that everyone should adopt if they want to mirror the behavior of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Do you live a purposeful life? Do you consciously make decisions based on your purpose? Are you aware that you are more powerful with purpose?

I've lived an interesting life. Like many entrepreneurs I have gone from having an idea to seeing it through, having another idea and seeing it fall in a heap and then the momentum of building a business to heights that you actually have never imagined.
Am I am entrepreneur first or a marketer first these days? 

I'm sitting at the Qantas Lounge at the Melbourne International Airport ready to board another flight to Los Angeles. I am a tad tired. 2.15am wakeup wasn't my best work, but sometimes excitement does get the best of me. Travelling for me, is exciting and part of the bigger adventure. I get to meet people that inspire me, shock me and sometimes join me on my journey as a friend, client or person "I just know".

Meeting people when you are an introvert is completely and utterly out of your comfort zone, and I know the value of being outside your comfort zone. It's one of the best things that can happen, especially if you are an entrepreneur.
People talk about it all the time as if it is easy to do, and quite frankly stupid if you don't, but risk is one very scary decision to make and it doesn't always turn out for the best.
I'm about to do my third startup and it's a technology platform that completely disrupts an entire industry. I am thrilled to be part of this startup, but I know my limitations, something that perhaps in the first two I was a little unaware of or more prepared to 'wing it'.

Every single startup doesn't turn out like it is planned.
The story of Israel's economic miracle has seen the once controversial country placed front and centre in the war for the "start-up" limelight.
I run a thousand miles an hour. I have a hundred things happening at any given time. My name is being called either in the office, on the phone or in my inbox all day long, and my head is ready to explode.
I can't cook. That is no lie. I am useless in the kitchen, mainly because I spend no time there. I eat out every night and live off the premise that it's a great excuse to catch up with friends and it is much cheaper to eat out then to cook for one. So why then did I cook lunch for 17 of our team members in Melbourne on Friday?
You are currently walking down the road and you come to a cross roads; if you go one way, you may be successful, if you go the other, you are not so sure. What do you do?

Of course, none of us can answer that question because "may be successful" is not a certainty and if you go the other road, you have no idea, but it could be good, or it may not be.

Life is a bit like that.
'No matter how busy you are, you always have time to make a difference.' 

I'm so busy right now. I am working very long hours and am in the office each morning before the sun rises. Not that I want to complain. I am doing something that I an incredibly passionate about and every single part of my business is going ballistic, so it's "time" to take it all the way.

When things go a big 'crazy' I call in the experts - my mentors. I ask them what they think about what I am doing and whether or not they think it will be successful. It's like having an educated bouncing board that have been there and done that.
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