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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

When you hear the word ecosystem, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Ecosystems work in a particular way, wherein the biotic and abiotic components of any particular ecosystem work together to survive. Product ecosystems are not so different! A company creates a product ecosystem when they have several products that coexist to benefit the customer. Apple is an excellent example of a company that's made a thriving product ecosystem, with its synchronized phones, tablets, laptops, televisions, and even headphones. But how is a thriving product ecosystem built? Below, we have a few pointers for any companies that are attempting to establish their product ecosystem. 

Content creation, in its simplest form, is storytelling. Telling stories is part of the fabric of humanity. Starting with cave drawings and folklore, the art of storytelling has transformed into what has become one of the fastest-growing and innovative industries today: entertainment. People go to see movies to get swept up in the drama, romance, and action of the latest narrative. If people have an emotional response to these kinds of stories, what’s keeping them from connecting with your story? Crafting content through the lens of telling a story gives your audience a great opportunity to connect to your brand and your product. Everyone has an interesting story. You just need to figure out how to tell yours. Below, we have some ways that storytelling can dramatically improve your content marketing efforts.

Are you having trouble converting your leads? It might be because you don’t have a lead nurturing process in place. Establishing strong lead nurturing tactics is crucial to growing your business. Without these processes, there is nothing to impact or influence the customer’s decision to make a purchase. To truly nurture leads, you need to provide relevant information at multiple points throughout the beginning of their relationship with your business. Below, we have 4 tactics to effectively nurture your leads.

Marketing is always changing. There are always new processes, new technologies or even new approaches to marketing practices. But there is one approach that is not only changing marketing, but it’s also changing how audiences respond to our efforts. Personalisation is radically affecting the way that we project our message to the public, allowing our team to open and connect with the audience in an emotional, empathetic way to drive sales.

Happy Business Birthday to you! Regardless of how long your company has been operating, each successful business year is a reason to celebrate.

Your third eye, it’s real.

In Buddhism, your third eye, often denoted as a small dot between the eyebrows, is a representation of your minds eye. Many followers of the religion also believe the eye to be a representation of wisdom. Some Hindu philosophers view “the eye”, as an extrasensory perception, that is, being able to see things in your daily life not plain to the naked eye. In other words, the eye allows you to look beyond what you see.

In business, as in both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, it’s important to open up your third eye; In my line of work, we call that your Marketing Eye.

What does that mean?
Waking up in Atlanta this morning was pure bliss. I literally woke up smiling and from that moment onwards things couldn't get better.

The reason was simple. I realized that my life is not boring - it's just one big, exciting adventure.

#24yrold said to me yesterday when I was a bit down in the dumps, "Your life is not boring - every day is different." 

She is right. Every day is different and if every day was the same, I would be bored mindless. It goes the same with people that you hang around with - if every person was the same, than life gets a bit dull - doesn't it?
The first rule for a service provider is to provide a solution to a clients "problem". Right?

When a small business owner finds the need to "outsource" any area of their business, they tend to consult with their friends, employees, other service providers and in general key influencers, as to who that new service provider should be. Then they interview them, and if the connection is right, they hire them.
I met with a friend of mine who is an absolute genius. You know the type, a kindof Bill Gates clone that has peculiar habits but is as smart as they come. What struck me as surprising is that he is an avid reader of cold reading books. Surprising because I would have thought that he would think body language books are a bit beneath his 'genius'. Obviously not.

Actually, he reads cold reading and body language books in the dozens. The other week, he bought a whole host of new body language books and has no doubt already read them from start to finish. Sitting with him for a chat is extraordinary because he is so bright, but also because he is absolutely fascinating with his passion for knowing more about why people do what they do. He likes the idea that he can read people which no doubt has made him a lot of money over time. Important if you are in the business of dealing with people and you need to know what they are thinking to make better decisions yourself.
Just had a meeting with a client who does party plan and after discussions about the issues facing families today particularly in the current economic environment, we ascertained that using a system called would advantageous to the company.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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