Marketing Eye

Scaling campaigns successfully is a paramount objective for businesses aiming to reach broader audiences and achieve substantial growth in the world of marketing. To embark on this ambitious journey, marketers must navigate a complex landscape of strategies, tools, and variables that can make or break their efforts.

In the dynamic world of contact centers, where operational efficiency and exceptional customer experience reign supreme, automation has emerged as a game-changing catalyst for transformation. By putting automation in the driver's seat, contact centers are experiencing an astonishing evolution that propels them to unparalleled levels of efficiency, reshaping the landscape of customer experience.

With the internet and social media apps becoming more and more prevalent, marketing metrics have become one of the most important ways businesses can gain information on how well their online marketing tactics are working. However, this can oftentimes be counterintuitive.

Effective marketing can only begin with a carefully planned marketing strategy. Unfortunately, most businesses aren’t able to reach their full potential because they lack a clear marketing strategy. A marketing strategy should be a clearly defined long-term plan, one which outlines quantifiable goals and key steps towards how to define your business amongst competitors and generate brand awareness.

Discovering exactly what your digital marketing strategies and marketing campaigns need, and exactly how to develop them will help you make the most of your business and boost overall revenue.

The meteoric rise of digital marketing only proves the importance for businesses to understand how to effectively measure their success. We've discussed what the best marketing tactics for lead generation and marketing strategies for small companies are, but how can we actually know whether these strategies have worked or not?

This is where Digital Marketing Metrics come in. Metrics are the tools we use to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.  You can capture these metrics through analytic tools such as Google Analytics, HubSpot Analytics, and SEMrush. This is not to be confused with your business Key Performance Indicators.  Key Performance Indicators track the performance of your business, whilst metrics are an indication of how effective your processes are. All KPIs are metrics but not all metrics are KPIs.

An advantage of understanding how to read metrics is that you are often able to see the impacts of your marketing campaigns in real-time, as opposed to traditional marketing campaigns, where the results were often not seen until months to potentially years later.

Businesses around the world are struggling to find ways to be relevant in a business climate that is constantly changing. It can be a difficult process to find new ways to stick out from your competition on a good day, so it's important to find ways to reach your audience even when it's challenging. Below, we discuss four ways your business can stay relevant in even the most challenging business climates. 

Social media has transformed from a simple way to keep in touch with friends and family to become one of the primary tools at a marketer’s disposal. While it’s an important step to have social media channels set up for your business, it’s another thing to track the performance of those channels altogether. Simply posting on these channels isn’t enough to drive engagement anymore. Marketers need to be actively checking the performance of each channel to gain insight on how to optimize the content best and drive engagement. Social media analytics is the key to optimizing your social media strategy.

Whether you are selling a product or a service, it’s intended for a specific group of customers, or a target market. But do you understand anything about that group of people? This where a target audience comes, which defines that group of people. A target audience is a group of consumers characterized by behaviors and specific demographics, and knowing your target audience can help to influence decision making for a marketing strategy. Finding your target audience takes a lot of work and research so that you can figure out who exactly you want to reach. Below, we have some tips on how to find your target audience.

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it seems there are always new tools, tips, tricks and trends to discover and incorporate into your strategy. There are indeed dozens upon dozens of tools to consider utilizing, and it can become overwhelming to choose, but the list below provides ideas that you can try. And the best part? They’re free to use! 

I am a lover of the written word. I was lucky enough to turn this passion of writing into a career in content development, and the best part about working in marketing is that you can measure the success of your writing, learn from your mistakes, and create better content in the future. I’ve learned more about writing from measuring analytical data on my content than I ever did in a classroom.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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