Becoming a great marketer is one part writing skills, and two parts knowing how to adjust your content after measuring the performance of your campaign. Being able to adapt to the trends in your industry will help you grow a successful business, all rooted in your content - but what are the most important metrics to be analyzing?
Website Content
I cannot stress enough how important SEO is for visibility. If your keywords aren’t performing, switch up your strategy. Areas you should be looking out for are: pageviews and bounce rate. The lower the bounce rate, that means that people are engaged in your content and are not jumping off the page too quickly. If your bounce rate begins to increase, see about revamping that content and research high performing, low competition keywords that will bring up your SEO ranking.
Social Media
The beauty of social platforms such as Facebook or Instagram is that you can look up your analytics through the site itself - no third party necessary! The key to social media is engagement, who’s following, commenting, and liking your posts? Are you responding back? The higher the engagement, the farther your content will reach. It also is worth noting that social media is typically taken in on mobile devices, so make sure your content is optimized for those thumb scrolling, which means less text, more visuals!
Email campaigns can be some of the most difficult content to analyze. A good rule of thumb is the idea of short-form content. Much like social media, email is taken in mostly on your customer’s phones, so it’s important to get to your point without sacrificing relevant info. How do you remedy this? Links, of course! Link off to your social media, a landing page on your website, or even a blog you find interesting (and relevant) to your audience. This is how you can measure click-through rates and see what kind of content your email subscribers are looking to see. Also, make sure you’re checking in on unsubscribers and open rates. This will also lend insight into what content your audience is looking for.
It’s important that when you’re writing content, you are formulating your writing around a marketing strategy that leads to a specific goal. No matter where your content is going, it needs to be part of a bigger picture that funnels up to either more revenue, awareness, or leads. You can learn more about how Marketing Eye formulates our comprehensive strategies using data analysis and AI through our patented Robotic Marketer by contacting us online, or you can speak directly to a marketing manager at 404-626-8070.