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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

The traits of an exceptional sales manager
One of the most important people in any office is arguably the sales manager. Often when you are a smaller business, the entrepreneur or CEO doubles as a sales manager, and this can get a company so far, but not all the way.
Lessons I have learned over the past 16 years
Over the past 16 years, I have worked with more than 300 companies, and over that time there have been a number of things that I have learned simply by listening and observing.
Why some women stop other women from succeeding
Earlier this week a woman whom I know name called another woman that she doesn't really know a "gold digger" to myself. I was mortified. Not only was she completely wrong, and she knew it, she was acting out against another woman due to her own personal insecurities and trying to influence another. On top of this, the person she name called is a highly successful business woman who is 100 percent self made and never taken a penny from any male. She lives a highly luxurious life on her own dime and everyone knows it.
Business or pleasure? Separating the two
 In two weeks, I am travelling to Europe for 14 days of work and a little pleasure. I will be writing stories for Marketing Eye, speaking with potential alliance partners and clients. I will also be interviewing people for speaking opportunities at a conference.
How to run the race consistently well
I am in a really good space at the moment. Life is going swimmingly well. I am thoroughly enjoying the challenges at work. My social life is busy and fun. I have surrounded myself with good people and there is a lot going on to keep me... interested.

While I can't sit still when it comes to making my life as diverse as possible, I certainly remain focused on the end goal. 
It is a dangerous position we have all been in!
Being the middle man is a dangerous position that we all have been in, and you would think that we would learn our lesson but many, like myself, find ourselves prey to being caught in the middle time and time again.
Reality check: success is not always everything you think it will be
 Somehow we got through the end of financial year in Australia. There's a lot to be done to make sure that everything is in order; every box ticked, every invoice accounted for.

My team made that deadline and for that I am very thankful. It didnt involve late nights, just a lot to be considered. My headspace over the past 2 weeks feels like there is so much in there, that it is impossible to take in any more.

I am in strategy phase. What's next? Where to from here? Who is doing what? What does the next 5 years look like? What does the next 10 years look like? 

Then of course, what about me? What is going to make my life more fulfilling in the next 5 years? Next 10 years?

It was enough to make me burst into tears.
From automation to inside sales, remarketing and branding it’s all here
I have been putting magazines together since the Czech Republic applied for membership to the EU. That was 1996 and back then Tupac was still alive, Trainspotting was released into cinemas and the French halted nuclear testing in the Pacific.

Magazine production has been my passion for almost 20 years, and whilst I am making myself feel old writing this blog, there has remained a sense of achievement with each and every issue of the thousands I have helped produce, including the latest issue of Marketing Eye.
Failure is not bad at any stage
 It was a small project and even though I knew the result before it started i was proud at what the team accomplished. It had something to do with our company so it was experimental in every sense of the word. But I knew deep down it would fail, and I knew why.

Normally, I would be the first to say "that won't work". However, this wasn't the time. It was a small project and it wouldn't harm anyone by being a failure. Instead, it would be a lesson learned and I was willing to pay the price.
Dont let toxic employees kill your company culture
 Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs have experienced a toxic employee. They are the one's whose glass is half empty. They constantly complain, nitpick, bitch, gossip and in general have an underlying mean spirit.
Standout behaviours of highly successful marketers
What is it that makes some marketers more successful than others? Perhaps they are smarter? Do they have a secret sauce? Or are they just in the right place at the right time, surrounded by the right people?

I've seen some mind-blowing marketers in my time, and I've also seen some marketers that are just terrible and give marketing a very bad name. But there are some particular things that stand out in successful marketers that we all can learn from. They have some basic fundamentals that they live by; either intentionally or not. Their behaviours are consistent and without exception.
Bright lights, yellow taxi's, tall buildings, energy and of course business
I was in New York sipping champagne courtesy of Waldorf Astoria's fantastic service, mingling with the rich and famous mostly because I was in the right place at the right time, and breathing in all that this fast paced, inspirational city has to offer.
New York, where business never sleeps, and people dream
I am rejuvenated and ready to tackle my next challenge after spending valuable time in New York talking to hundreds of entrepreneurs from around the globe.

After having breakfast with Jo Burston, founder of Inspiring Rare Birds, at Mercer Kitchen in Soho, I realized for the first time that the change I am experiencing in business happens to many others in a similar manner. Somehow, we get most of changes right or at least we get more right than we get wrong. When this happens everything falls into place and no obstacle is too hard to overcome.
The Kardashian Effect: Why image is good for business
As Kim Kardashian prepares too have her second child and her stepfather has completed his transgender journey, it is an appropriate time to look at the 'Kardashian Effect'.

The Urban Dictionary defines the Kardashian effect as “
The practice of caring about D list celebrities who have no talent and contribute nothing to society.” However there is another, more positive way at looking at this phenomenon, and that is to examine the business behind how the Kardashians became so popular.
There hasn't yet been a downside to having family in the business
I spent alot of time thinking this through, it was a decision i did not take lightly.18 months ago, I decided to employ my niece who was 18 at the time, to work at the Marketing Eye Sydney office.

I decided that given how young she is, I would have her answer the phone and do administrative duties with the hope she would show aptitude for an area of the business, and we could further train her.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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