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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing Eye Client Spotlight: Remington Medical
Client spotlight: Remington Medical is an innovative company that designs, and develops, disposable medical devices. Established in 1992, this company is one of the only family run companies in the disposable device industry. Fred Aycock, President, is lucky to be accompanied by his two sons Attly Aycock and Parker Aycock. Fred believes in a strong company culture and high morale, so from day one he has instilled these beliefs within his staff. As a team, they have been able to excel and stand out from the rest.
Work Hard, Play Hard
Before it gets too hot outside I have to share a tradition we have at Marketing Eye Atlanta- FLANNEL FRIDAY!! All work and no play makes life barely bearable. In this office we truly live the expression “work hard, play hard.” When you have this many creative people in one room self expression is inevitable. Flannel Friday
This quarter can make or break your business - so what are you going to do about it?
Whether it's the second quarter or last quarter of your financial year, you would note that something is going on in the economy and it's creating a lot of uncertainty. 
Smart Marketers Use Google Analytics
Data has played a vital role in turning marketing from an art into a science and now there’s more than ever. It can be difficult to know what statistics you should be paying attention to and how to use them. So how do you know your website is performing? What can you do to improve it? Here is Marketing Eye’s quick guide to Google Analytics statistics and how to use them to improve your online marketing. [space height="HEIGHT"]
The most important thing you need to understand about Google Analytics Stats is that no singular statistic will tell you everything. The key to making informed decisions is looking at several statistics to form a more complete picture of your online marketing, and compare this to your strategy to see if you are on the right path. If you’re getting all your traffic from Twitter, but no one is buying your products, maybe you need to rethink your social media strategy. [space height="HEIGHT"]
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3 Google Analytics Stats You Need To Care About
Happy All Fools’ Day
Today is April 1st. Everyone knows that means it’s April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day. This is a day to “duck and cover” if you work or live with pranksters.

April Fools’ has been a tradition for centuries, possibly dating back to France in 1582. People didn't want to start the new year on January 1st and continued to celebrate it at the end of March/beginning of April. These people became the butt of jokes and hoaxes.  
My Personal Key To Success Is Creating A To Do List
That is an almost impossible task, but this blog will equip you with some tips on how to be your most productive self throughout the day. Each individual is different. Some must have caffeine before opening their computer for the day while others are considered “morning people” and are most productive in the morning. We must find what works for us, I am here to share how I stay productive… most days.
Marketing Eye's Expansion Plans Just Took On A New Course
"The new girl is always prettier than the girl you took to the dance" Canadian-born Australian entrepreneur Jack Cowin once told me when I first decided to expand internationally. As my mentor he was right, and though I listened at the time, I did it anyway. 

In the end, we were both right. Expanding to the United States was singularly the bravest thing I ever did, and it has set me up for profitability in the company in US dollars while the Australian dollar remains weak. Our offices make money and it has been an absolutely amazing journey. I have met some phenomenal people, all of whom have added to my life.

It also lead to a bit of "excitement" in my life. I was at a stage where I needed something to lift my game and expanding into the US market did exactly that. 
Don't Give Your Users Too Many Options
Hick’s Law points out that increasing the number of choices will increase the decision time logarithmically.

Ok... that sounds complicated, but it’s not. Simply, if you give your users too many choices they often won’t make a decision.

We’ve all seen the person in the grocery store, in the cereal aisle staring into oblivion. There are so many different kinds of cereal it can be overwhelming. The grocery store can be overwhelming anyway, that’s why I won’t walk in one without a list. There are too many choices and it’s easy to stay too long trying to decide what’s for dinner.
The Marketing Madness Is In Full Swing
Every year during March and April the March Madness NCAA Basketball Tournament is watched admittedly by millions. Since 1939 this popular tournament has gained momentum without turning back.

The NCAA, a non- profit organization, has mastered marketing of the March Madness tournament. From office tournaments, to hard core fans, to first time watchers basketball buzz is in full swing.

Advertisers and Marketers are using this sporting event to capture viewers and learn lessons of how content marketing can be leveraged. Through commercials, gear, word of mouth, brackets and more March Madness is the talk of the month due to successful marketing and advertising.

This tournament is an Advertisers and Marketers dream. That being said, us experts can learn a few new tricks from this tactical approach. Below are a few important lessons we all need to learn.
Think of Failure In a Positive Light
What ever you do don’t be afraid to fail!

Don’t be afraid to try something new, because you’re scared that you aren’t going to be good at it. As Nike says “Just Do It”! People fail all the time and when they do they only become stronger.  It is because of the mistakes we make we learn what and what not to do moving forward. It goes off the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know and you wont know until you try”  

Fear and insecurities are the single biggest threats when becoming successful. Fear it’s self can significantly paralyze you and your business growth.
Do You Know The Personality Of Your Brand?
Recently, everyone in the Atlanta office took a personality test. If you follow our blogs you can see that we have a very diverse group here in ATL! This helps keep us on our toes and gives us the unusual ability to see a problem from different angles for our clients. But enough about us, we know our personalities. What I want to know is - do you know the personality of your brand?
Singularly The Hardest, Yet The Best Decision I Ever Made
There are many important factors to consider when expanding a business. Growing a business isn't easy and I can't pretend to have too much experience in scaling up. I am still in the early stages of doing this with Marketing Eye, and there have been some challenges, but largely it's all about hard work, determination, and motivation to finish a job that you started.

Here is what you should know when expanding your business: 
Why Are Some B2B Companies More Successful Than Others?
Entrepreneurs beware!!!! Are you still sitting on your hands instead of making very important business decisions because you are so indecisive or you have no clue which way to go and are not prepared to take the risk?

So many entrepreneurs have amazing ideas. True. So many them never see them through. Fact.

It's a new year, well, at least we are almost a quarter of the way through 2016, and business people still trying to climb to the next level keep  on having these stops and starts that at the end of the only costs them time, money and an ability to be more successful.
Someone recently ask me… “how do you tell what kind of voice you use for each social media platform?”

The question really got me thinking. Each platform has a specific personality.  All postings should be based on your audience, but you have to think about how they want to hear your valuable information. Do they want to read an extensive study? Would they prefer a humorous anecdote. What are they looking for? An easy way to make that decision is: What kind of attire is your audience wearing when they read your post?”
Korri Curtis an Intern a Marketing Eye Atlanta reveals her top 10 favorite Twitter accounts.

Twitter has become and integral part of my life since I joined in 2011. The microblogging site helps me to keep up with happenings in pop culture and events around the world.

Coming up on my 5th year anniversary on Twitter, I have compiled a list of my top 10 Twitter accounts to follow. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these 10 are my must-follows.

My 10 Favorite Twitter Accounts to Follow:
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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