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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

The Craziest Days in the Office Always Produce the Best Results
I'm in Sydney and the weather is phenomenal, the harbour is drawing me in, and the team is so busy that I think that they are going to burst at some stage today - but somehow, they never do.

Instead, they step it up, take control, become better organised and push boundaries.

How does that happen?
Want your Business Card to Come Alive? Augmented Reality Marketing has Finally Hit
Constant relentless improvement is always necessary. It is part of Marketing Eye's mandate. When Nina De La Cruz came to me in December with this newish technology platform that showcases viewing a business card and having an individual present what they do at the same time through a popup video - I was suitably impressed.
Expanding Into Europe: Our Next Logical Step
What a great start to the year! We have a team that is totally pumped and excited about what the future holds for the company, and I have just come back from a few days looking into the operations of the Vanad Group in the Netherlands.

It's amazing what some companies can do in 10 short years, but more importantly, how they empower their people to produce outstanding results year-on-year, completely on-track to the company's overall mission.
How This 24 Year Old Gets It So Right: Ramona Grabner
When you have travelled the world as much as me, there is one thing that you know is always going to be a given – that hotels are a must.

Now, if you must stay in a hotel, then you usually either want your normal comforts or you look for something different to what you already have at home. Something better, sometimes something just different.

What this year's clients have taught me
As we close our offices today until the second week of January, I realise that it's time to reflect on our wonderful journey and what we have all learned this year.

We have had the most amazing experiences, namely through our people and clients, who constantly amaze me with their insights, perseverance and determination to kick goals. 

10 Things you need to get right as an entrepreneur in 2016
There are so many things that entrepreneurs do right, and often this is what the world sees. Yet there are still some things that we don't quite get right. 2016 is going to be a massive year. There is so much in store and while we all focus on business, the Government has a few headaches not just with stimulating economic growth, but ISIS and climate change. 

Everyone loves a great Christmas party, unless of course you are a little like me and you have gone to one too many already. 
I'm at a cross roads and I don't know where to go
It's come to that time of year again, and I am facing my biggest demons - expectations.

For anyone who knows me, they know that I always strive to do my best at no matter what I put my mind to. I rarely take on things where failure may be an option, but this year I have, and I am scared to death.

Putting yourself out there is incredibly hard. It means that you have to be ready and able to accept rejection on so many levels. While I can be hard in business, I am reasonably fragile in life and being "me" can sometimes be hard work.

I wanted so much for myself and for my life. I wanted to make a difference, not only for myself, but for my family and friends and the world at large. I want more time, not just for me, but more time for others who I care about. 

We are all heading towards Christmas, and while we should be celebrating, and I should look back at the years' accomplishments with pride, all I can think about is the things I didn't get time to do. The things that were left on my to do list. 

I have so much on my plate; building an international business, developing two Apps - one that will change my business, and the other that will change a whole industry. I have dedicated of recent a least 40 hours a week to charity, and that is ongoing now for at least the next three years. I never see enough of my family and friends and at night I am just tired. 

I share my highs and lows with myself. If you share it with other's you are "big noting" and I have not been brought up to do that. My dog, couldn't care less, as long as she gets her walks, eats good food and gets as many cuddles as humanly possible.

I share this with you in a raw way because I guess there are other entrepreneurs out there that quite possibly may be feeling the same.

We have hit the end of the year, and we have another in front of us - but are we ready to finish 2015 and start 2016? Are we prepared for what is to come? Have we set goals for 2016 and are we going to actually keep them? Are we all living on a treadmill or is it just me? Can we be better than we are today, without sacrifice?

My world is full of abundance, yet void. There is more to life than work, and there is nothing more important than loved one's and friends. Giving purpose and meaning to life guides us to a better version of ourselves, yet does it drain us of what's left?

I want more than anything to fulfill all my dreams in 2016. I want it all - but I know that that is not at all possible. It never is. You can't have it all - at least, not at the same time.

When I dream for peace and quiet, I secretly hope like hell that life will get a bit rowdy. Can people like me ever be pleased or do we just walk around picking up things as we go and finding that at times we have too much on our hands and need to let go?

My life is seemingly perfect, but is full of imperfection. My dreams are simple, yet they appear complicated and impossible to fulfill. This roll-a-coaster is making me sick, yet if I get off, will I fade into the ground in which I stand?

My cross roads, is not just mine... it's other's too. I am not the only person living this life with decisions to make. My cross roads could end tomorrow if I chose for that to happen or could go down a different path, for the very same reason. We all have choices and it's that time of year that we all start thinking about it.

I know I am.

I'm no masterchef. Actually I can't cook, but on Friday I cooked lunch for 17 team members in Melbourne - here's why.
I can't cook. That is no lie. I am useless in the kitchen, mainly because I spend no time there. I eat out every night and live off the premise that it's a great excuse to catch up with friends and it is much cheaper to eat out then to cook for one. So why then did I cook lunch for 17 of our team members in Melbourne on Friday?
What you want your marketing team to do in 2016?
Most entrepreneurs have fairly ambitious goals for 2016, as we climb out of an uncertain marketplace and embark on strategic, results-orientated business planning.
Reasons to ditch your corporate career to start your own business
I ditched corporate life for entrepreneurship when I was just 25 years old. I wasn't scared, I was excited, because I didn't have any real responsibilities and I owned my own home with my steady boyfriend at the time and life was pretty dandy. 
How to disrupt your marketing to improve ROI
The question is often asked of our people at Marketing Eye : "What do you do that other marketing firms don't?". And the answer is quite simple.

While other's are now using the term "outsourced marketing department", few have actually defined it quite like we have at Marketing Eye. After 24 years in the industry, I have learned a lot from both succeeding and failing. From these learnings, I have developed a series of systems, processes and ways in which to improve our capability of delivering world-leading marketing strategies to businesses seeking a high growth return.

The difference is from start to finish

There are so many ways in impress a new recruit when you are on boarding them in your business, but if you thought you had just got a handle on it, then you might want to read a little further.
Should you employ an anonymous slanderer in your business?
Anonymity online no matter how much you think that you have created an anonymous account, is no longer the case. With the changes in law and the brilliance of a number of technology experts, finding the source of an anonymous comment on a website is now the norm.

Over a year back I received a call from a tech guy who was out to turn the tables on people who write slander on employers as anonymous people on influential websites. He not only told me what he could do, but actively showed me how you can find out who wrote what on various websites and then trace their whereabouts. It's quite fascinating really and something that at long last brings to the table something all future employers want to know.
When your comfort zone is put to the test
The past few weeks I have been tested. I feel as though I am working for someone else again and it's scary. I have had to speak to strangers who are not calling me to talk to me, but I am instead calling them, asking for their help. 
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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