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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Every marketer is different
We have been very privileged at Marketing Eye to keep our key team for almost the entire duration of the company. What that has done is establish a firm foundation of people who understand the business, it's vision and what expectations are key to ensuring its ultimate success.

Christina Kortesis who has run the Melbourne office without any interference since the company started has been the backbone of the business. She has continually shown what a good leader should do. Her nurturing skills and ultimate knowledge of marketing is second to none. She has empathy and understands the predicaments that our clients face, as well as that of her own staff.
Journalist / Content Writer wanted in Sydney / Melbourne office
We are an odd company at times. While we are definitely a marketing company, we are also media, a tech company and a educator. With 15 new clients being on-boarded in Australia in October, we desperately need a journalist to take over our magazine, and write content across multiple disciplines.
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A few years ago a friend said to me after a couple had left the brunch table that they both had the "Xanax face". Then went on to describe the problems they were having.

Xanax is taken legitimately by those who suffer from anxiety, but any drug isn't good to be on for too long and there are so many healthy alternatives.

Then last week, someone mentioned the same man and said "you need to understand that he has a prescription drug problem, and until he addresses that, he is unable to stop living the lifestyle he is living; playing with the 'fast' crowds around the world."
Every company has a marketing problem
Without doubt, every company has a marketing problem. 
What is it that will make you more successful?
You are currently walking down the road and you come to a cross roads; if you go one way, you may be successful, if you go the other, you are not so sure. What do you do?

Of course, none of us can answer that question because "may be successful" is not a certainty and if you go the other road, you have no idea, but it could be good, or it may not be.

Life is a bit like that.
'No matter how busy you are, you always have time to make a difference.' 

I'm so busy right now. I am working very long hours and am in the office each morning before the sun rises. Not that I want to complain. I am doing something that I an incredibly passionate about and every single part of my business is going ballistic, so it's "time" to take it all the way.

When things go a big 'crazy' I call in the experts - my mentors. I ask them what they think about what I am doing and whether or not they think it will be successful. It's like having an educated bouncing board that have been there and done that.
Are you not sure whether to invest in marketing or not?
Ideas are usually the driving force of an entrepreneur, and many of them have not only a great idea but a way in which they believe will help make it successful; and that includes marketing.

The problem is that not all entrepreneurs are born marketers. Some may be born sales people and perceive this to be "marketing" but there is a distinct difference and once an entrepreneur is completely across this, only then are they are to make the right decisions for their businesses. Do not confuse sales with marketing! 
I will no longer be afraid of commitment
I am completely and utterly commitment phobic on every topic. I won't lie it is the truth. 

So, in lieu of my new years' resolutions I bought a house. I have looked around for the dream house for some time and couldn't find it. Quite frankly, I just didn't like other's people's designs or renovations.
As the world continues to change dramatically, marketing is a career that is becoming increasingly difficult to keep on top of. 

As a company, we are invested in training and developing our people to ensure that they don't lag behind with a majority of marketers today. This is further endorsed by the fact that in comparison to the US, the update of marketing automation in Australia has been dissimal. It's darn-right embarrassing that marketers or whoever is holding the budget have not yet adopted marketing automation as a way in which to feed the sales funnel and give sales people hot leads rather than cold ones.

Outsourcing your marketing has advantages and disadvanges. 
I don't shy away from disclosing what it is that I am looking for in this life. I am the first one to call out anyone pretending to be happy alone as a single person, because seriously, life is so much better when you have someone in it to share the highs and lows with you.
It's come to that stage where my own capital is being exhausted and I have grown an international business with no loans or investment in the past 5 years off my own back.

It's worked a treat and my lifestyle hasn't changed, but I have some bigger moves to make now and may need investment.

Fortunately for me, I have friends who are always willing to help out and also are aware of the bigger picture.

Now it's time to get the business into shape. No-one wants to sell off a percentage of their company if they have been wasting cash left, right and centre - because they can.
I've been in business for about 16 years and I have to say that I have been mostly fortunate that our brand has stayed intact by the people who represent it. I'm sure there have been times when things have not gone according to plan or an outcome has not been achieved, but the people that work at Marketing Eye, particularly today and over the past 2 years, are exceptional people - inside and out.

I can also say that when I have met with companies, I have had a good 'experience'  with their brands, whether we have chosen to work together or not.
One bad egg can now cripple a business. But not in my father's generation. That of course would never have happened. And so how the world has changed.

The poison that one person can throw on a company is insurmountable, all made by humans of course in the form of the internet. Yet, we all breathe faith into common sense as a whole and how one complainer, may in fact be the only one.
In the past few years I have become an exporter of marketing services. I became one a few years back when I decided to expand Marketing Eye into new markets. The most suitable market after much research was America, so I did what any buddying entrepreneur would do and I completed a market research study to make sure that if I started a business there, it was not set up to fail. Market research is crucial! 

A mixture of gut instincts, business acumen, networks and of course a business model that no-one else had, gave us a head start. I also chose a city where the cost of setup was low, the Australian dollar was sitting pretty at $1.06 to every American dollar, and where few people knew who I was.
What many tech entrepreneurs just don't get
I absolutely love hanging around ATV listening to every single tech entrepreneurs story and dream. They all have "Big Dreams" and that is the mandate of being here at Atlanta Tech Village - but there is one problem. Can they make it commercial?

I've been here since the first few people moved in. I was here when they were knocking down walls and renovating. I have seen a lot. Many entrepreneurs come and go and there's a few that made it big like Yik Yak, Bitcoin and Chevy. They were the one's that raised a lot of capital and rolled out their businesses, taking them to the next level. From my knowledge, all with investor buy-in.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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