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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Every business needs a Marketing Eye - apparently, according to our competitors
I laughed so hard when a prospect sent me a screen shot of a competitor (well, I wouldn't consider them a competitor to be honest, but I will tell you more about that later) advertising on Adwords "Marketing Eye - Alternative". 

I am so flattered that any company would think that Marketing Eye is important enough to spend money advertising our brand, trying to pick up the "leftovers".
What lessons can your business learn from the world's biggest brand?
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Are you looking for ways to build your business' brand and increase sales? 

There is no better place to start than by analysing the factors that contributed to the success of the world's biggest brand, Apple Inc.

So, what strategies did Apple use to build their brand and stock so high and what lessons can we learn from them?

5 ways to live a positive life
The personal development (PD) space is an interesting one. I have worked on a range of sports, business and PD magazines that each touched on positive psychology, but I will admit to being a little bit cynical about the hype created by some of its spruikers.

I have a particularly harsh view of the ‘million-dollar-in-a-minute’ personal development coaches who are all bombast, with no substance, so when I come across people who offer true value in the space I am inclined to listen to them.
Ten analytics tools that will empower your business
Developing a marketing strategy requires time and money and not a little blood, sweat and tears. So how can you ensure your investment is working?  

It's time to find the right analytics for you.
5 ways to create viral content
Well-written short articles that are related to specific industries can position a business as a thought leader and increase credibility among customers.

With the right kind of marketing, the creation of these business related articles may go viral enticing a bigger audience to your product or service than you ever expected.
Don't worry, be happy - is it really that simple?
If I had all the money in the world I would return it, stupidly some may say, for a life filled with fitness, health and happiness.

My theory behind this rather brash statement is that if you hold those three of life’s gifts close to your heart, the money will follow.
Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Ann Wintour: entrepreneurs who failed then inspired us to do better
The sharks were circling. Their prey jittery and nervous. The beads of sweat on the victim's forehead popping and streaking. Hands raised to wipe the brow.  Vocal chords faltering. Knees buckling under pressure and the sharks go in for the kill.

That’s the basic principle of a television show called Shark Tank, which has just started airing in Australia and has been running in the US since 2009. The Sharks comprise of four entrepreneurs, with a combined wealth of somewhere in the billions of dollars who must judge the business presentations of ‘wanna-be’ entrepreneurs.
The 10 reasons Dallas needed a new 'Marketing Eye'
Do you really want to know why Marketing Eye opened a Dallas, Texas office? 

I could say that we did extensive marketing research, or perhaps that we had an opportunity to sell a Marketing Eye license for our brand, so we took it. Both would be wrong. Here's the reason why.

We did research but it took 5 minutes 13 seconds
$128,000 in Sales Month One For New Inside Sales Executive
Atlanta Inside Sales Executive Tayler Bridger is a complete rockstar. As an entrepreneur, I fully appreciate anyone with a bit of ambition that does what they say they are going to do.

Month one of her newly appointed inside sales position in the Marketing Eye Melbourne, Australia office, she has achieved a huge milestone; $128,000 worth of sales. I am thrilled. For years I have been letting sales fall to the wayside because we were not able to get back to all of the leads that came through our website. There simply were not enough hours in the day. But that changed.
As an entrepreneur, is it possible to finish what you start?
10 Years ago I had a business plan. I believed in it so much, that I took it to others and showed them, looking for affirmation that this plan was the right one to take to market.

The feedback was good. Actually, it was more than good. It was great.

The mentors and entrepreneurs that I showed the plan to liked it so much that they wanted to invest. I gave it a lot of thought as to what I needed to take the business forward and decided that a little investment would help get the business to the first stage of growth, so it would not be a bad idea. 

I chose a passive investor, who acted as a mentor but didn't tell me what to do. To be honest, at times I wish he had.

The business model was strong. In fact, I am proving that today. What wasn't strong is my understanding of how to run a startup. My other business Insomnia Marketing and Communication had been successful from the get-go because the brand was built on my capabilities. 

But with Marketing Eye, I was trying to do something different. I was attempting to change the business from being about me, to being a true brand that stood alone.

At first I failed. The first years business results were not as big as the first year in Insomnia. In fact, nothing like it. Yet I had more money, resources and people.

The mistakes I made were evident:
The Delicate Relationship we Develop with Our Employees
Late fall, I started the process of selling my Dallas-based  business that I've built for the past seven years.  The difficult thing was not putting the business up for sale, but telling my employees.  Many have been with me since the early years and have been my support as my business has grown. 

As I made a personal call to each employee this week, I was pleasantly surprised by their reaction.  Most were not disappointed that I was selling as they saw this as a natural progression in my career.  They were disappointed that they would no longer be working for me.  This made me think, what did I do right that made them feel this way, and can I do it again as I build a new staff at my next business.
What is really too old to add value to a business?
I was talking with a friend this week about the reorganization of the company where she works.  A colleague is being demoted from the job she has had for ten years, and the manager didn't think this demotion would drive the employee our of the company due to her old age of 49.

Next week I will be 44.  I don't feel old.  I feel mentally sharp and physically fit. I juggle many things as a business owner, a mom a weekend athlete ( I just ran a half marathon two months ago). I just don't feel old. I have spent 15 years in corporate, owned and grown a business, beginning a new business.  I feel I am finally hitting my stride in my career and can be seen as an expert in my field.
How content marketing can improve your brand
Life is about story telling. It is about story creation. It is about living life like there is no tomorrow. Even when life slows down, when children take a chunk of your patience and when time seems limited, life is there to be loved. Love your children, your family, your friends, work and colleagues and tell the stories of how each and every one brings out the best in you.

Your life is your brand. You can direct it in in any way you choose to deliver your personal message.
5 successful marketing campaigns that made a major impact in 2014
Marketing Eye appreciates the world around us. We are constantly inspired by creative campaigns in our environment by our fellow marketers.

Here are some of the Marketing Eye Melbourne office’s favorite recent marketing campaigns.

5 Ways To Build An Exceptional Content Marketing Strategy : Mellissah Smith
I was asked yesterday, "how did you attract so many readers to your blog".

I cannot remember the year I started blogging, but it was well before it became mainstream. I started my first blog on blogspot and then matured to having a blog on our company website.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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