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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Trust Me, They Can Hear You Just Fine
Marketing to seniors isn’t old news; however, just like the millennial generation and generation X, senior citizens are adapting and evolving to marketing tactics more quickly than we give them credit. It can be tough to effectively communicate your message to them because they were born into a different time, but are also a part of today’s ever-changing world.

You can’t afford to just look past this powerful demographic, even if senior citizens take longer than your average consumer to make a buying decision. This well-aged group has 77% of the wealth in the United States. To get you on your way, here are five tips that can help you engage those seniors.
Kylie Jenner
Here’s a challenge:

Try and scroll through your ‘trending’ list for an entire week, on any one of your social media platforms, without seeing a Kardashian, a Kardashian-West, or a Jenner. If you succeed, you’re either lying to yourself, or you deserve a cookie.
When Traveling To Another Country Consider These Tips
A bride in India has her hands painted with henna two nights before her wedding. In Chile it is socially acceptable and preferred to arrive late to events. In Japan the number four is avoided at all costs for the similarity in sound to their word meaning “for death.” Being interrupted while speaking is common and not considered rude in Brazil.
4 Reasons To Get Google Analytics Certified
Recently we posted a blog telling Marketers to “Step Your Game Up.” This blog points out the first order of business was to get you Google Analytics Certification. I’m guessing you didn’t run right out and do that.

Information on visitor behavior is vital to the success of any website. I know we all use Google Analytics everyday. If your day is like mine you have coffee, go through emails, then check Analytics. You understand the program, you understand what you are looking at. Why are you not certified? Lazy? Think it doesn’t matter? The following are 4 major reasons to just take the time and get your certification.
Work Life Balance
Many people struggle with balancing work and their social life. We are often contemplating between choosing the concert after work, drinks with a friend or staying late at the office. Finding the perfect balance can often times be challenging.
Here's How To Effectively Market Your Personal Brand
Picture this: You’re downloading a new app. You hit the “get started” button and you’re asked to enter your name, birthday (so you can receive a ‘Happy Birthday’ text of course), and email address. You move on to the next step. Now, you’re asked to upload a profile picture. 15 minutes of life pass you by, and you’re still scrolling through your gallery trying to find the perfect picture. The one that shows you from the waist up, with good lighting, and highlights your best features. Why do we this? Because we grew up hearing the adage A picture is worth a thousand words, and we don’t want to say the wrong thing. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Is It Time For A New Profile Picture?
Some careers give you everything; fulfillment, work/life balance, monetary compensation and the ability to own your own business. Marketing Eye licensing does just that. If you are a marketing or communications manager, looking to reach the next level, then we have the answer for you.
Hey Marketers Step Your Game Up
“Success doesn’t just come and find you. You have to go out and get it.” –Kushandwizdom. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Marketing is evolving and changing everyday. We at Marketing Eye can’t stress enough about how it is important it is to keep educating yourself as a marketer. It is especially important in this new age with technology popping up left and right, and rising generations that are driven solely by the digital universe. We understand the challenge and we want to help you, so below are a few ways to help you step your game up as a certified badass marketer. [space height="HEIGHT"]

The Power Of Referrals

May 27, 2016 Written by
In this day and age, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements in the streets, on television, and on their smartphones too. Businesses understand it is becoming increasingly difficult to capture the attention of consumers and build trust through mass emails and cold-calls.

Thankfully, there is a way to combat the struggle of gaining consumers’ trust without breaking the bank: a referral program.

Twitter Changes!

May 25, 2016 Written by
I’m sure you’ve seen something about all the changes Twitter announced this week. If you were lucky enough to be unplugged then, know the world has changed. Twitter is changing a few rules in the coming months. The 140 character rule that originated so tweets could be text messages, is just one of them. Anyone that spends their time trying to fit everything in 140 characters with a link, an image, and appropriate hashtags, is going to appreciate the 140 character loophole.
Lead Generation
What are you currently doing as far as lead generation? Once you have captured a lead, how are you nurturing them? Do you have a system in place to handle incoming leads? How are you getting your leads? These are all questions you need to answer when considering lead generation.
Stay Out Of The SPAM Folder!
So you are planning on sending out an email campaign. You have been very focused on writing your copy, creating the perfect design and you are finally satisfied that it will receive an AMAZING click through rate and a TERRIFIC open rate. What if the email never reaches your audience’s inbox? They will never get to see all your beautiful work. :( [space height="HEIGHT"]
We all get spam. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Why Egomaniacs Have To Have The Last Word
Do you know someone who always has to have the last word in a conversation or an argument? Everyone has come across this type of person and knows how frustrating or plain sad it is when you see it. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Having the last word is closely associated with ego. Egomaniacs always have to have the last word. It gives them a feeling of power, as if they immediate draw all of the power of the person they are communicating with and become powerful due to it. [space height="HEIGHT"]
It’s The Little Things That Matter
In marketing it is the little things that count. Our Founder, Mellissah Smith, constantly reminds the team of the importance of details. In marketing it is about standing out. Don’t be ordinary, be extraordinary. Market yourself and market your company. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Below are some tips on how to take the extra step as a marketer.
The Magic That Only Chemistry Can Do: Thomas Edison
After spending 4 days in New York, I am reminded once more the value of chemistry. If you are anything like me, each and every time I fly into New York, I fall madly in love once again with the city that never sleeps.

New York is more than just another city in the big world we live in. It is a city with so much hope, excitement and opportunity, that even people that have glasses half empty, have to at the very least appreciate.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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