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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing automation will increase your sales by 68%
In a presentation at Cebit 2015 held in Sydney recently, I shared why marketing automation implemented correctly in a business is so valuable to that business. Rather than use another case study, I used my own company, Marketing Eye, as an example of how to implement marketing automation to gain instant results.

To give you a little insight, Marketing Eye has a substantial amount of monthly traffic coming to our website - mainly due to the popularity of this blog and the effectiveness of our SEO team.
Unearth your brand potential
There is one thing that has stood out for Marketing Eye in Atlanta and that is our capability as branding experts to supersede much of what is designed locally and produce fresh, innovative and high impact brands that stand out.
How to turn your inside sales script into a sales revolution
The best speeches you’ve ever heard were meticulously scripted and rehearsed before being delivered with that engaging element of panache that had you so captivated. It's like Mark Twain once said “it usually takes me three weeks to write a good impromptu speech”.

Politician, motivational speakers and inside sales reps all require a well written script that demands practice it. A dynamic script will ensure you have every base covered, including lapses of knowledge, any objections you may counter and a deep understanding and awareness of the product.
Fast and furious... growth that is built to last
It's happened. I tell you... I dreamed about it but didn't really expect it would really happen. It did... and now I am chasing my tail.

The business is growing at a phenomenal rate. One that I am not exactly sure I can sustain, but as you would have it, I have been taught by a few great mentors along the way to implement a number of systems, invest in good technology and hire the best people. All of which I have done.
The talent hunt for tech-savvy marketers
There is an abundance of marketers piling out of Colleges (Universities) around the world, having completed four years of arduous learning mostly from professors who may have never set foot in a significant corporation and held a position of CMO, Marketing Director, VP of Marketing or anything other that would give them the experience to show their students what it takes to be a marketer in today's world.
Don't be fooled by spruikers, educate yourself the right way
Continuous evolution requires constant updates in your education, however this evolution must occur through legitimate avenues.

So when you look at subscribing to education programs, you need to ensure that they are legitimate and conducted by experienced industry professionals.
Failure. Let's be honest... it sucks
We all fail. We may not set out to fail, but inevitably, failure will find us and it happens more than we would would like. 

I fail at many things: communicating the value proposition of our business when we have severely over serviced a client, walking my dog each day, keeping employees engaged, keeping a timesheet and letting go.

My biggest failure 
Grooming the next generation of leaders
Marketing Eye has hit a huge milestone. It's incredible the journey that we have taken over the past few years and where we are heading with a company that is so rich in possibility, that even I pinch myself.

When we expanded to the US, it was a half-arsed approach. We set up "part-time" and employed a few people who were left to their own devices after initial training to make it happen. 

The biggest lesson we learned
The definition of a social media expert
Through social media you can now forge a very lucrative career, particularly as it becomes a unique arm of a company’s communications department.

They are many companies that will now pay six figures for the right social media person, but how do you build and maximise your expertise? 
The real reason marketers are focusing on women
According to analyst group Merrill Lynch, spending power among women in the US comes at a tune of $5 trillion dollars. Not only do women determine their own spending habits but they also influence men's spending habits.
What does an inside sales executive do?
The inside sales model is gaining traction around the world and it is imperative that all businesses adopt the trend. A good inside sales rep will take the reins of your business and drive it forward.

Marketing Eye looks at the top ha its and traits of successful inside sales reps (or ISRs of you will).
Last week I took a little trip to Bundaberg in regional Queensland, Australia for work. The town has 30k odd people but supports more than 100,000 people at any given time over the entire surround region.

Our client, a highly successful accounting and financial services firm, Ulton Group, needed a "Marketing Eye" to develop their 2015/2016 marketing strategy. I took the opportunity to fly up to Bundaberg because it was close to Easter and a great opportunity to catch up with family in the Sunshine Coast. 
Why Friday is Good

Why Friday is Good

Apr 01, 2015 Written by
There's just something good about Friday. Most people see it as the second best day of the week (next to Saturdays).  But, Fridays can be the best day of the week for an entrepreneur.  Monday through Thursday is reserved for working like crazy in your business, but Fridays is the day to work on your business.  For me, Monday through Thursday is spent marketing my clients' businesses, meeting with prospects, attending events and writing marketing strategies for my customers.  I reserve Friday to re-energize my business and myself.  This is when I put together marketing plans for my own business, I set goals and budgets, write blogs, engage in activities that inspire my creativity,  and connect with mentors, friends and others in my field. 
Find your niche to be successful
A commercial version of Marketing Eye magazine is now complete. It has been a long road and took almost six months to make it publishing ready, but after losing a bit more hair and seeing the ones that I have left go grey (almost), it was worth the effort.

In putting Marketing Eye magazine together, I have learnt a great deal about marketing, about the client services sector and about staying the course, even when the Tough Mudder founders seem to have come along and put insurmountable obstacles in my path.*
How to align your key values to make your product sell
Does your eco product, sell as well as your other brands? If not, it;s time to think about the way you market it.

Marketers and businesses are treating eco brands as ‘brand extensions’ the way Coke treats it’s Zero and Diet products.  But eco, green or ethical products cannot be treated in this way.  Coke’s eco plastic bottles still contain a beverage with a long list of health impacts – and people looking for healthy, sustainable alternatives will never reach for a bottled soft drink.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


Contact Us

  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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