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Marketing Eye Blog Articles

1st Results Page Or Bust On Google
So… you’ve put up a website and it’s beautiful. Everything moves smoothly, it has beautiful graphics, the message is tight, it’s mobile responsive, basically it’s perfect, but you have a big fat ZERO when it comes to traffic. Alright, maybe it’s not zero but with traffic so low it may as well be. Sadly, the internet doesn’t work like Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come,” there is so much more to it than that.
Social Media
Social Media is crucial for supporting your business and for building brand awareness. While shares and retweets on social media are extremely important, it is also important to post original content from your company. We’re talking informative posts about your company on all social media platforms you participate in. It is important that social media users see that you have your own brand, ideas, and story to share. Here are our top 5 “tools of the trade” for posting original content:
7 Common Misconceptions About Social Media
It is no secret that social media is becoming predominantly popular today amongst marketers and businesses alike. However, if you’re a business that is still not on social media then you most likely have a misconception about social media.
Make Your LinkedIn More Sales Centric
Today LinkedIn has become an invaluable resource. Whether you are using it to prospect, to recruit, for marketing or for research, you need to make sure your profile reflects your main objective. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for making connections and finding business, so use it wisely.

It might be time for your LinkedIn to go through a refresh. Consider these tips when making your profile more sales centric.
Social Media
Instagram is more than pictures, and Facebook is more than a stalking tool. These two popular social media platforms are just a couple of content driven marketing tools that your business can use to generate leads. Think of it as an equation:

Content = Leads = $$ = Recommendations = $$$$

Seems simple enough, right?

Then how are so many businesses getting it wrong?
ESPN= Advertising Gold Mine
ESPN has developed quite a reputation, and depending on who you talk to, it could be one of two things. First, Bill Simmons of HBO does not have the kindest words for his former employer, to put it lightly. Second, the masses have long known ESPN for its comical commercials that feature star athletes and analysts alike. Recently, ESPN aired a commercial featuring David “Big Papi” Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox alongside two of his teammates. Without giving away too much, the commercial deals with his impending retirement at the culmination of this season. This isn’t the first time ESPN has used sports culture to push its name out there. These six commercials embody wit, humor, and much more along the way. Below are some short teasers for the commercials that have people rolling on the floor (literally) with laughter.
The Not So Lost Art of Storytelling
Did you know you can get a degree in storytelling? Several universities offer a Master of Arts in Professional Communication with a Concentration in Storytelling. Storytelling is defined as the conveying of events in words, sounds and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Culturally, humans have been using stories or narratives to preserve our history long before the written word even existed. These stories we used for entertainment, education, and instilling moral values, think of Aesops Fables.
Atlanta Tech Village
Marketing Eye Atlanta is blessed to be located in the heart of Buckhead in the Atlanta Tech Village (ATV), or as some call it, The Village. With over 100 companies in the building, we are surrounded by great minds, innovative ideas and genuinely cool people.
How To Fund Entrepreneurial Growth
The pressure of growing your business is insurmountable with the number of areas that each business has to consider. 

As a company, Marketing Eye has been a company who believes that growth is imperative to keep employees engaged, stay ahead of the curve and invest in areas such as innovation and technology – but this is all not easily funded.
Today I Saw A GP Who Is Also A Psychotherapist - This Is Why
I run a thousand miles an hour. I have a hundred things happening at any given time. My name is being called either in the office, on the phone or in my inbox all day long, and my head is ready to explode.
How Pokemon Go Can Generate Leads To Your Business
Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm, and you have likely seen swarms of Pokemon trainers walking around town or in the park with their eyes glued to their screens. Plenty of people have been praising it. Plenty of others have been bashing it. It is hard to say what effect Pokemon Go has had on people. The verdict: Regardless of whether it is a hit or miss, EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT POKEMON GO. It is bringing recluses off the couch and changing the very dynamics of handheld gaming as we know it.
What Do Wedding Invites and Email Campaigns Have In Common?
Planning a wedding is very stressful. Everyone you know has an opinion, anyone you talk to will give you advice, and your family, well… you know them, they fall into a category all on their own. There are so many things you need to get together, a venue, dress, photographer, food, cake, DJ or band, etc. Then you have to consider the wedding invitations. In putting together mine I approached it in a similar way I would approach an email campaign.
You wake up, get ready, and set out for your day. You love what you are wearing and you’ve got a great cup of coffee in your hand. You’re thinking it is going to turn out to be a pretty good day. And then you hit it, traffic. Every morning, without fail, there is traffic somewhere in the city. Seeing those brake lights light up can be one of the most frustrating things.
What Happens When You Are Having A Midlife Crisis?
I always like to hit the hard topics, because quite frankly they stir the pot and create discussion - which is exactly what I want this blog to do.
Never Settle In Any Aspect Of Your Life - I haven't, and I have No Regrets
Have you ever wondered why you are where you are today? Why the choices you made or perhaps were made for you, led you to a life that you are living?

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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Marketing Eye
  • Our addresses:
    3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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