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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

What Happens When You Are Having A Midlife Crisis?
I always like to hit the hard topics, because quite frankly they stir the pot and create discussion - which is exactly what I want this blog to do.
Never Settle In Any Aspect Of Your Life - I haven't, and I have No Regrets
Have you ever wondered why you are where you are today? Why the choices you made or perhaps were made for you, led you to a life that you are living?
Take Your Business To The Next Level In 2016/17 With These 5 Marketing Tips
For all of Australia and New Zealand, we have just started a new financial year. Companies that are strategic and have long-term goals, often already have a marketing plan in place, while other's may have been busy getting their last set of figures in for the year, and missed doing the planning that is necessary to catapult their businesses in 2016/17. Which company are you? 
Why Must We Get The New iphone As Soon As It Comes Out?
Just bought a new iphone? Welp, there’s probably already another one in the works. And of course as soon as it comes out we will all just have to have it. Because it is so different from the one we bought not even a year ago right. Why do we have to have something that’s brand new even if we have the exact same one at home already, it's just slightly older? It still works fine and looks pretty good. However as soon as that new one comes out we abandon it like there’s no tomorrow.
Marmont Ad
Marketing and Advertising have long been known for being exciting, innovative, clever, and plenty of other things that help businesses and brands get outside the box and engage consumers in unique and memorable ways. On the flipside, Marketing and Advertising have also occasionally been guilty of making some disastrous decisions that either hurt a brand or demolish the marketing or advertising budget of the business. I will leave the verdict up to you, but here are some interesting marketing and advertising strategies that make for a good water cooler debate in the office.
When To Listen, And When To Ignore
Life is one rollercoaster ride that just keeps going round and round. If you ever stop and get off, and wait a few moments, you either wonder whether you enjoyed it better being on the roller coast or whether or not standing still was and is a better option.

A catalyst for many things in life is change. Do we want change, or do we want to keep doing the same things we've always done. You know that saying "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." Tony Robbins nailed it with that one and I hear it over and over again, only to be reminded of how true this saying really is.
Nurturing quality leads and maintaining good client relationships is almost a job of its own, especially considering how difficult it can be at times. I think we all know that burning bridges is a foolish idea, no matter how right it feels to give them a piece of your mind. That’s a slam dunk, no-brainer, gimme-putt in the business world today, but is that enough? If we avoid burning bridges, can we consider it a job well done?
Oh Honey, You Do NOT Have The Eye…
Your third eye, it’s real.

In Buddhism, your third eye, often denoted as a small dot between the eyebrows, is a representation of your minds eye. Many followers of the religion also believe the eye to be a representation of wisdom. Some Hindu philosophers view “the eye”, as an extrasensory perception, that is, being able to see things in your daily life not plain to the naked eye. In other words, the eye allows you to look beyond what you see.

In business, as in both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, it’s important to open up your third eye; In my line of work, we call that your Marketing Eye.

What does that mean?
Introverts vs. Extroverts in the Workplace
The difference between Introverts vs. Extroverts is commonly misinterpreted. Most people believe that introversion goes hand and hand with being shy while extroversion goes hand and hand with being outgoing. That is not necessarily the case. Being an introvert or an extrovert stems from your energy not just your personality traits.
Healthy Food
Eating healthy is hard, there is always some delicious treat that tempts us. Working out is even harder. Who wants to do something that hurts or takes a lot of time? And time, who has the time to work out on a daily basis? Not the average working human.
Marketing Eye Portfolio
We hear this story all the time from clients:

“My product and/or service is amazing!
It has so many capabilities and endless possibilities- it can do this and it can do that…
We need to do this and we need to do that right now!”

While the end product is in fact amazing, these entrepreneurs are so head deep into their product that it consumes them. It consumes them so much to which they have lost sight of their initial goal. Establishing their brand. Yes, It’s great that your product does so many things and will be able to do much more in the future, but ask yourself “Is my brand well known right now?” if you answered no then take a step back and focus on pushing out current content that tells your brand story. Once your product has traction then you can start releasing and pushing out new content.
When it comes to working, so many people are stuck doing a job they don’t even enjoy. It’s hard when you are in college and all of a sudden have to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. You think about money first, then maybe what you were good at in high school (math, science, writing, etc.), and that’s about all you have to go off of.
One of my friends is going to a life coach to make a major end to a relationship. 

When he told me, I was gobsmacked. I actually thought he had more brains than that. He knows what he wants to do with his life and is only navigating the emotions of other people around it. So why would you go to an uneducated, course taking life coach?

You wouldn't.
It's Important To Change Your Surroundings
Some days, for whatever reason, office workers find it extremely difficult to focus on any actual work. These are the days we turn to our coworkers and social media streams for entertainment, anything to take our minds off of our very necessary daily tasks we have to perform. Obviously, straying from the work in front of us is an ineffective form of procrastination, but hopefully these tips can ease the restlessness and get you back to work.
Creating a Lead Magnet

Creating a Lead Magnet

Jun 21, 2016 Written by
We’ve all heard the expression “money is in the list,” and it’s true. So, to build the list what is your best tool? I’m a fan of the lead magnet. A lead magnet is defined as an irresistible and ethical bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. Creating a good lead magnet is different than just creating something. It has to be relevant to what you eventually want to sell, and it has to be of value to your audience.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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