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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it seems there are always new tools, tips, tricks and trends to discover and incorporate into your strategy. There are indeed dozens upon dozens of tools to consider utilizing, and it can become overwhelming to choose, but the list below provides ideas that you can try. And the best part? They’re free to use! 

Are You Getting Caught In The Mess?

It is easy to fall behind the times in this fast moving world of digital marketing and advertising. There are several easy and painless ways to stay current and put yourself on the map!  
So… you’ve put up a website and it’s beautiful. Everything moves smoothly, it has beautiful graphics, the message is tight, it’s mobile responsive, basically it’s perfect, but you have a big fat ZERO when it comes to traffic. Alright, maybe it’s not zero but with traffic so low it may as well be. Sadly, the internet doesn’t work like Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come,” there is so much more to it than that.
Hick’s Law points out that increasing the number of choices will increase the decision time logarithmically.

Ok... that sounds complicated, but it’s not. Simply, if you give your users too many choices they often won’t make a decision.

We’ve all seen the person in the grocery store, in the cereal aisle staring into oblivion. There are so many different kinds of cereal it can be overwhelming. The grocery store can be overwhelming anyway, that’s why I won’t walk in one without a list. There are too many choices and it’s easy to stay too long trying to decide what’s for dinner.

When a business starts a new calendar year with have a business strategy in place, supported by a sales and marketing plan - CEO's expect results.

But what if the results are not forthcoming? What if key people have read the strategy yet are not "making it happen"? As we near the end of January, many companies are realizing that targets are not being met, and while some may scratch their heads, the real leaders are taking action.

Your bounce rate may come second in your book to other metrics such as number of visits or page views on your website, but it is something that many small businesses can leverage if they put it to the forefront.

After checking the Marketing Eye google analytics account yesterday, as I do every day, I paid special attention to how the website bounce rate was going. I had just been to a number of my client's google analytics accounts and noticed that theirs ranged from 35 percent to 80 percent - depending on whether they allow Marketing Eye to do their SEO and invest in creating content to drive connections.

For those who are uncertain what a bounce rate is, it simply is a record of the "bounce" that occurs when a visitor goes to your website, reads a page or looks at a page, then leaves your website. A "bounce rate" is the percentage of total visitors that come to your website that then bounce off of it.

Theoretically, the lower your website's bounce rate, the better your conversion rate, or at least the higher the potential conversions, because more of the people who visit your website like what they see, and click around on your content. 

According to Weidert Group, 'a good bounce rate would be anything under 50-60 percent. A large factor influencing bounce rate is what kind of page you're looking at and what the content is on that page. If a page links to other pages, say, products you make or services , then a bounce rate of above 60 percent wouldn't be out of the norm.'

I met a guy at the bar at Treetops Restaurant on Peachtree Road in Atlanta a few months ago. He had a hint of an Australian accent and in no time at all was talking to me about how we both derived from Australia and were embarking on business expansion.

Quite a smart man, he was fascinating in so many ways; his knowledge of the world, people, psychology, business and his story on how he had grown up and started doing what he does today. I would imagine him to be a highly successful businessman who commands the attention of everyone in the room.
May 22, 2013
Successfully revitalising a brand is every marketer’s dream but is no easy task, requiring persistence and hard work. Changing customer perceptions and providing clarity of the brand’s values is difficult, especially when it comes to transforming the target public’s entrenched mindset.

Marketing Eye wanted to change the way consumers perceived American Property Partners (APP). Was the APP brand clearly projecting the message it wanted to put forward to the general public? It is essential for portfolio managers to present themselves as reliable. After all, customers must trust them with their investments.
I work in a very busy marketing agency.

Like mechanics who never fix their cars, we as marketers, are the last to market ourselves. As the owner and founder of Marketing Eye, I am the only person who makes time to ensure that our brand is somewhat visible and I do this in the most time efficient way possible.
Oct 17, 2012
Have you ever thought about what your website is really used for? Why people are visiting it in the hundreds, thousands, ten's of thousands?

One of my clients yesterday said to me that they Google searched an obscure term, and Marketing Eye came up. He was surprised, but I guess, not as surprised as I was.

A website, if it is search engine optimized, comes up on search engines. That is the purpose. Right? You invest all of this money, time and effort into ensuring that your website comes up trumps when prospects, clients and stakeholders are looking for your company or a company that provides your products or services.

But who else visits your website and why?
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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