Marketing Eye
Website Development

Today, we live in the age of the internet that is highly competitive. Your website has become one of the most important tools for promoting your business. Whether it is a small business or a big corporate site, having a well-designed (remaining both modern and functional) website has become imperative to stay competitive. Even though a website redesign takes significant resources in time and money, it can be a game-changer for your business to keep up modern-day standards and protocols in mid.

So… you’ve put up a website and it’s beautiful. Everything moves smoothly, it has beautiful graphics, the message is tight, it’s mobile responsive, basically it’s perfect, but you have a big fat ZERO when it comes to traffic. Alright, maybe it’s not zero but with traffic so low it may as well be. Sadly, the internet doesn’t work like Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come,” there is so much more to it than that.
Successfully revitalising a brand is every marketer’s dream but is no easy task, requiring persistence and hard work. Changing customer perceptions and providing clarity of the brand’s values is difficult, especially when it comes to transforming the target public’s entrenched mindset.

Marketing Eye wanted to change the way consumers perceived American Property Partners (APP). Was the APP brand clearly projecting the message it wanted to put forward to the general public? It is essential for portfolio managers to present themselves as reliable. After all, customers must trust them with their investments.
Magma Capital Advisory came to Marketing Eye without a marketing bone in their body – literally, with nothing more than a logo in a world of endless marketing possibilities - and a two week deadline for a ‘brand spanking’ website (so to speak).  

We’d scored ourselves a client specialising in debt capital and risk management solutions and a two week deadline.  
"Our brand and website were looking a bit tired and old – we had tried to update ourselves but we just didn’t have the know-how. We came across Julie and the rest of the team from Marketing Eye and things started happening right away! Within days we had a new brand direction, a new modern looking and useable web design and a solid marketing plan – exactly what we needed. Thanks for the direction!"
Sep 07, 2011
But your website is a dog’s breakfast?

Does your website directly attribute to your overall business objectives, drive sales, and directly assist in improving your bottom line?
Marketing Eye works with hundreds of companies seeking to give their customers a better online experience and drive quality leads to their sales teams.

We understand the latest in SEO techniques, social media integration and enhancing website functionality.

Now is the time to start thinking about how your website can do more for your business.
3 days and already a 1000% increase in website traffic!!!!

A few simple changes to your website can mean a lot to your business. In the past few days, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has made small changes to website content and layout. The reason for these changes was that we haven't had a good look at our website for a few months and the bounce rate on some pages were getting over the 50% mark.

After spending a good hour looking at the facts and figures outlined on Google Analytics, we identified pages on our website that had higher bounce rates than others. In fairness, most of our website pages rank very highly with Google and people stay on our website for more than 5 minutes on average. This is a great achievement for a website in professional services marketing.
Aug 30, 2011

What pb Human Capital said about Marketing Eye's development of their company website:

"We first heard about Marketing Eye some years ago, and were consistently impressed by the quality of Mellissah's blogs, her marketing & design ideas and forever upbeat attitude. When we wanted a new and updated website, we made sure we spoke to her. To be honest though, we still did our due diligence and met with three firms before making our decision.

Mellissah is exactly the same in person as her social persona. She's great! She blew us away with her ideas for our website which fit neatly into our social networking strategy, our ideal brand image, and the look and feel of the company as we really are. When you couple that with the price (which was amazing, but not our only criterion), we simply had to use Marketing Eye.

The process was seamless, we had an incredibly fast turnaround, and the result was everything we'd hoped for. We're stunned. The website is excellent. It's exactly what we had conceptualised. I would absolutely recommend Marketing Eye to any business - small or large - that needed an expert look at their design and marketing strategy."

Sunday is the best day of the week. I lie in bed reading the Sunday papers, skimming through stories that range from general interest through to politics and business. I skip gossip, but spend time reading real estate and travel. I start the day with the herbal tea and usually head out for breakfast with friends in search of the perfect coffee.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


Contact Us

  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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