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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Let's cut to the chase: Procrastination isn't just a harmless habit; in the marketing field, it's a career killer, a creativity crusher, and a strategy disruptor. It's the silent epidemic that's eating away at your potential, your results, and, let's be honest, your reputation. You might dress it up as 'waiting for inspiration' or 'strategic delay', but I'm here to call it what it is: a pathetic excuse for not doing what needs to be done. So, get off your bums, marketers, and let's confront this head-on. 

Have you ever missed deadlines for projects or had a bad reputation for not getting tasks done on time? Poor time management is extremely harmful to any business. Learning how to have better time management is a useful skill, whether it’s for a three-month project or your day-to-day organization. You will become more productive and less stressed if you plan out how to spend your time more sufficiently. 

It's easy to become overwhelmed by everything going on around you. But your business must have good time management so you can ensure to see the greatest outcomes. Here are some tips to help improve your time management. 

There are many successful entrepreneurs around the world but for every successful entrepreneur, there are thousands of unsuccessful people. So, what is it that separates a truly successful entrepreneur from the rest of the pack? That’s a loaded question but from all the interviews and biographies we can gather that there are in fact a few things that all successful entrepreneurs have in common. These are the commonalities that seem to take them to the next level and creates the difference between someone who made it and someone who really made it. Here are five undeniable habits that everyone should adopt if they want to mirror the behavior of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

When’s the last time you’ve searched on Google and clicked beyond the first 10 websites, or even the first results page? Keywords that are most relevant to a potential customer’s search will lead your business to their vision (or search results page) first.

Attracting legitimate customers will take time and effort. We’re talking about the type of customers who genuinely want to incorporate your brand into their lives, and quite possibly, stay for the long haul. Fortunately, a great time and place to begin is today in the exact spot where you’re sitting.

The goal is to create quality content that provides

Among those who have already hopped onto the Instagram train, many have seen dramatically successful marketing results such as reaching untapped demographics, increasing app installations and boosting product awareness. A lot of these success stories derived from sharing stories on Instagram, particularly by way of InstaStory.

Companies are blasting promotions and announcements in every banner, sidebar, post and corner of the internet. So you can figure it is not the best idea to expect a few searches on Google to provide substantial assistance for business marketing. As marketing continues to evolve alongside the digital revolution rapidly, crafts are designated to their specialists to meet customized needs and audiences.

More to the point, are you sick of doing your own marketing and not focusing on your business? In every business development meeting I have, I always ask “who’s doing your marketing now?” Often I hear that the founder is performing all if not most of the current marketing activities. Nine times out of ten they are trying to: run the business/grow the business, manage staff, manage payroll, come up with new product ideas, and more, all while doing what they can with marketing. It’s too much for a growing business.
Many people struggle with balancing work and their social life. We are often contemplating between choosing the concert after work, drinks with a friend or staying late at the office. Finding the perfect balance can often times be challenging.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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