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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

It's been a quiet few weeks. Readers of this blog may have been surprised that after reading blogs daily, that there has been nothing. Zip.

What is the reason you may ask? Simple. Time out to learn and grow with other like-minded entrepreneurs. 7 days in fact. Doors shut, screens down and 100% focus on life, business and health while sharing experiences and ideas with other like minded entrepreneurs around the globe.

It has been life changing.

When you open up your browser to google maps, you first need to know where you want to go, but to do that, you also need to kow where you are right now. In business and in life, it is no different.

In business, you need to understand where your business is sitting today - the good, the bad and the ugly. Then you need to know where you want to go and then you can find the resources to help you get there.

Life is harder. Gosh, don't I know that. Coincidentially, this particular conference gave me greater clarity than ever before. I had a major shift in the way I view the world and people in it. I had the pleasure of spending time with people that inspire me and that have had experiences I can also learn and grow from.

Some take home value I got was:

- Life on earth is limited - don't waste time
- Prioritize things and people that are most important in life
- Positivity creates and impression in your subconscious mind
- It's important to visualize what you want
- Spend time with yourself every day
- Work with yourself from the inside out
- Change comes from within
- Devote enough time to the things you love in life
- Resolve all differences before going to bed
- Budget your energy and be thoughtful where your energy is going everyday
- Where energy goes, energy flows.

And for the men out there, a tip from a former monk "Give her everything she needs and everything she wants, and the loving wife never asks for anything that the man cannot provide.

After listening to Shawn Achor speak, about Happiness, it became increasingly clear how important it is to be happy and the effect that it has on your life and business. Creating a happy work environment and life for yourself will lead to prosperity and riches beyond anything you have ever dreamed of.

Imagine if every single one of your employees was happy. They loved their lives and loved their jobs. What happens? They have a great life and they come to work completely present and 100% focused on what they are doing.

"It's not necessarily that reality shapes our world - it's the lens that we use to shape our world."

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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