Marketing Eye
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For mid-market businesses, the decision to work with marketing agencies can help expand their capabilities and bring specialized expertise to the table. However, the effectiveness of this collaboration largely relies on how well your Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) manages and integrates the agencies' efforts with your company’s overall marketing strategy.

Here’s a quick guide to how your CMO should ideally be working with marketing agencies, including responsibilities and best practices for allocating work. 

In the competitive business scene of the modern day, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to maximize their return on investment (ROI) in marketing. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into marketing strategies has emerged as a ray of optimism, offering unprecedented efficiency and precision.

In this blog, we will discuss how AI is reshaping the way businesses develop marketing plans, ensuring the marketing spend is proving to be worth every dollar.

Aged care is evolving rapidly, and facilities must adopt comprehensive and dynamic marketing strategies to stay competitive and relevant. The importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated in this digital age, as more families turn to the internet to find suitable care options for their loved ones.

This blog will explore essential marketing strategies that can help aged care facilities enhance their visibility and engagement.

The East Coast, particularly New York and Maryland, stands at the forefront of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing, ushering in a new era where data-driven strategies dictate the pace of business growth and innovation.

In the dynamic world of marketing, one timeless and powerful tool has stood the test of time: Storytelling. The art of weaving captivating narratives holds the potential to create deep emotional connections with audiences and leave a lasting impact on their minds. Explore the science behind storytelling in marketing, learn how to craft your own brand story, learn the different elements you need and how to leverage your brand’s story. Discover multiple actionable tips on how businesses can craft compelling brand narratives to engage their audience on a profound level.

You spend days and months carving out the perfect marketing plan for your business. It has a clear key message. It targets the correct audience. It has brilliant events for each phase. But it does not work. Why? What did you miss? Before hopping onto another campaign to fix the situation, try looking into something called: storytelling.

Data-driven marketing refers to a set of strategies and methods that extensively use client interaction data. Companies may better understand customer requirements and wishes to enhance brand impression and customer experience by analyzing and interpreting customer data and individual digital profiles. Data-driven methods make highly focused engagement and more excellent conversion rates possible.

Marketing strategies are occasionally based on a blend of gut feeling and prior experience. Directors and chief marketing officers use their knowledge to inform their traditional and digital ad campaign strategies. However, new techniques are required as real-time data and developing technology become more crucial to the success of marketing initiatives.

For many firms, marketing is one of the most critical factors contributing to sales. Therefore, companies continuously look for new and updated ways to market their products. In 2022, the U.S. digital advertising and marketing market is estimated at $460 billion, with an increasing growth rate. With that said, this blog elaborates on the essential marketing tools and trends that your business should use in 2023. 

Instagram has over 1 Billion users around the world. Therefore, the probability of the user being your next business client is very high. As a B2B company, this is your cue to build a solid online presence to form a long-term connection with your audience.

Instagram has become a crucial starting point in digital marketing for many B2C marketers. But the truth is, B2B companies can also leverage the high brand visibility on this platform. Your strategy now is not limited to pitch meetings; you can reach a client halfway across the world.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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