Marketing Eye
marketing consultants

McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, is renowned for its strategic insights and innovative approaches. Their marketing consultants often lead the way in defining cutting-edge strategies and best practices. Small business marketing managers, often working with more limited resources and tighter budgets, can significantly benefit from the wisdom and approaches used by consultants at this esteemed firm. Let us look at a few key lessons and strategies that small business marketing managers can adopt from McKinsey marketing consultants to elevate their marketing efforts.

In the fast-paced world of B2B IT managed services and consulting, driving new business growth is a constant pursuit. As companies strive to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their clients, effective marketing strategies play a pivotal role in capturing attention, building trust, and generating leads.

It isn't uncommon for businesses to invest a lot of their resources into marketing activities and not see results. Many business owners find that their marketing campaigns are not producing the results they initially anticipated, and this ultimately comes down to the marketing strategy they have created. Many business owners have wasted valuable resources on tactics that simply do not work. Therefore, ensuring a solid marketing strategy is in place is crucial.

Why are we talking about mobile marketing? It is changing the way consumers interact with brands and consequently vice versa. Virtually, everything is accessible on mobile today, from e-books to e-commerce. This means consumers can constantly interact with your brand irrespective of their location. To illustrate, customers don’t necessarily need a laptop to read emails or conduct online shopping. And neither need to sit in front of a television to get entertained or watch the news.

Here are the challenges and opportunities of mobile marketing that you should know

Back in 2003, Nick Carr wrote an interesting article for the Havard Business Review titled “IT Doesn’t Matter”. This obviously had a lot of headline readers furious. With a worldwide IT spend of $2.6 trillion dollars, it’s no wonder why Nick Carr was labeled a heretic and blasphemer. It seems we live in a day and age where assumptions about IT run rampant. Ever since a young Intel engineer named Ted Hoff, back in 1968, found a way to put the circuits necessary for computer processing onto a tiny piece of silicon, the business world has dubbed IT as the backbone of commerce. And there’s no doubt that this assertion rings true in many ways since it spurred a series of technological breakthroughs—desktop computers, local and wide area networks, enterprise software, and the Internet. 
Here and there we find ourselves hitting a stroke of luck without any intention or guidance. No matter what area of business you are in, these random unforeseen victories are few and far in between. In order to sustainably build your firm’s standing in the market, you need to have a clear aim at the target. Let’s take a look at how we approach making growth attainable through strategic marketing:
As Marketers we are always looking for ways to think outside the box, coming up with new approaches to showcase our products or reach new audiences. However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Throughout the marketing mix emerges a balance of structure and chaos. Walking this fine line takes a special mind, and we’re going to look at why this is.
Back in the good ole’ days we used to speak to each other completely differently than we do now. Granted I am a millennial and aren’t that old, but I can definitely see a vast change in the way our parents and ourselves interacted as kids. We converse informally and we internalize it now. This has caused marketing professionals to make vast adjustments across the board and take an unusual route to engaging the younger generation.
Have you ever found yourself working with a marketing firm who kept you in the dark? This is probably occurring because they do not want you to know what they are doing or how well their efforts are performing. We’re going to look at a few ways to establish a open, honest, and transparent relationship between you and your clients.
The world of public relations can be summed up in three words: chaotic, wild, and tedious. Don’t get me wrong, public relations is an exciting facet to the marketing mix, but it isn’t for everyone. After personally delving into the world of PR and having several press releases published, let’s take a look at a few key takeaways from my recent experiences.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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