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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

The role of leadership has now become more critical than ever. Successful leaders not only guide their teams but also set the tone for the entire organization. One indispensable quality that distinguishes effective leaders is their ability to take ownership. Let us examine the profound impact of leading by example and how embracing responsibility can significantly enhance organizational efficiency.

Nowadays, organizations face constant challenges to adapt and thrive. Successful companies understand that the key to sustainable growth lies in aligning their internal elements effectively. One powerful tool that has proven its value in achieving organizational success is the McKinsey 7S Model. Developed by McKinsey & Company, this strategic management framework examines seven critical interdependent factors within an organization to create a cohesive and high-performing unit. Let us delve into the McKinsey 7S Model, explore each element in detail, and illustrate its practical application through real-life case studies.

As a visionary in this very exciting field of marketing, leadership means more than personal creativity—it's about nurturing a team of vibrant, talented creators. As a marketing leader, your role extends beyond showcasing your own brilliance; it's about inspiring and bringing out the creativity of those around you. This unique position allows you to cultivate and encourage a generation of marketers who bring their best to the table daily. The question isn't just how creative you can be but how creatively your team can work with you. Here’s a small guide to help you discover a few foundational tips that empower marketing leaders to guide their teams from visionary ideas to successful, impactful campaigns.

Many believe that great leaders are born or rise to the occasion, but with such a need for leadership ever-present in business, government, and the NFP sector the question hangs, can great leaders be created?

Everyone wants to work under trustworthy leadership, but it can be hard to know exactly what that looks like. More often than not, it comes down to communication. Communication is an essential tool for a good leader. Whether they are communicating business successes or failures, the information must be shared in an open and safe environment for your employees to ask as many questions as they need. This is what trust looks like, and we all know that trust can’t be bought. Below, we have a few great ways to build trust with effective leadership communications.

Starting  your career and wondering where you fit in the mix? Well, don't wonder any further. It's quite simple. You are either on your way to astronomical success that may lead to a) a future CMO position b) a job as a Martech c) entrepreneurism d) stalemate.

Marketing Executives don't just have degrees

When you are paying $30,000 to $60,000 per year in the US to gain an under graduate degree of some form, whether its marketing, management or communications - then you would want to make the most of it. But the truth is, few and far between do. They choose to holiday and party in summer and other vacations rather than get leg up on other students by taking on internships in chosen fields.
I can't cook. That is no lie. I am useless in the kitchen, mainly because I spend no time there. I eat out every night and live off the premise that it's a great excuse to catch up with friends and it is much cheaper to eat out then to cook for one. So why then did I cook lunch for 17 of our team members in Melbourne on Friday?
Marketing Eye has hit a huge milestone. It's incredible the journey that we have taken over the past few years and where we are heading with a company that is so rich in possibility, that even I pinch myself.

When we expanded to the US, it was a half-arsed approach. We set up "part-time" and employed a few people who were left to their own devices after initial training to make it happen. 

The biggest lesson we learned
Being young in no way represents limited capabilities. I agree that with age comes responsibility, experience and wisdom, but for me drive and ambition are inherent. And this is true of many other millennials I know.

That is not to say that Gen Y make better employees or leaders, what I am saying is that they should not be disregarded when their date of birth is revealed. It is cliché to say ‘age is just a number’ but in many cases, this stands true.


"Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations." —Peter Drucker

If you look at Steve Jobs and his role as a leader and marketer at Apple Inc., it's easy to see how the two roles work closely together. Without marketing, no-one would be any the wiser about Steve Jobs role at Apple Inc nor would we have had the opportunity to be captivated by his performances each time he launched a new product. Instead, we would simply wait for a product to be on the shelves and without all the "sizzle" we probably would never have been as enticed to stand in line and buy each product the minute it was launched.

Some leaders fail to see the value in marketing, and although they may have a role in the organisation that is responsible for certain outcomes, they may see it more as a sales related function which is why it often falls under this umbrella.

Smart, insightful, charismatic, thought leaders understand the value of marketing. They use it and often abuse it to become leaders that everyone follows. Rather than focus solely on a product or service marketing campaign, they use it to elevate their position in the market with a double edge sword, by at the same time ensuring that the company brand and positioning benefits from association.

3 Ways Leaders Use Marketing 

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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