Marketing Eye
digital marketing

It's 2019 and we now live in the age of easy. The age of short attention spans. The age of Simple. This is primarily due to a shift in the current leadership demographic. Regardless of the industry, 

Most companies don’t have a large budget to throw at the wall as it pertains to advertising, but rather they are desperate for real, tangible advertising that produces results. This is where remarketing enters the picture. Let’s take a look: 
Very much like an engine is to a car, technology tools are to marketers. A large portion of my job as a marketer is to make sure that my clients are at the forefront of marketing technology, especially the free ones. Adapting and adopting to new technology is in many cases what keeps your marketing efforts ahead of the competition. Let’s take a look at some of the tools we use that you or your marketing team should be as well…
I’m sure some of you, experienced marketers, will combat this idea and that’s completely understandable. Our office boasts some of the sharpest young talent around they don’t blink twice when faced with a challenge. So why am I saying this? It’s simple, many of our clients come to us because of our age. Not because of how many years in marketing we have, or how much knowledge we’ve accrued in one area. Here are some reasons why they trust us: 
It would seem that the effectiveness of marketing campaigns are heavily tied to the quality of your database. So what happens if you find out your database really isn’t good? Well, the first step is accepting the truth that maybe your database which you spent so much money and effort on isn’t great. The next step is fixing it, which is actually the easiest part in many cases. Let’s take a look: 
I still can't believe that we are halfway through 2017 already. Being in sales, I understand August can be a slower month. But I’m a glass half full kind of guy. So I think this month should be used to catch up on some things you’ve been pushing off for the last half of the year. Living in Atlanta definitely has its perks. But, one thing everyone is familiar with is the traffic. So instead of watching the guy in front of me pick his nose all the way from Peachtree to Lenox, I’m going to be learning about history, business, and geeking out on the best podcasts that are out now. 
Why work harder when you can work smarter and faster? Well at Marketing Eye, we spend a sizable amount of time researching new technologies to help move the dial forward for our clients and ourselves. Let’s look at some examples of technologies that can help automate your processes and save your team time…
Many countries are starting to invest in big data centers, including Ireland, UK, and the Netherlands. But it’s the US that has a remarkably fast-growing market for big data as due to its great infrastructure, connectivity, and low corporate tax rates. Most of the well-known data centers in the US are located in northern Virginia, New York, Silicon Valley, Dallas, Chicago and Los Angeles. However, Atlanta is jumping up in rank with its 13,000 tech companies. 
The major gap with LinkedIn functionality has now been ratified. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had great videos to share with my LinkedIn network, but haven’t been able to post them until today! 

LinkedIn just released its newest update by allowing users to directly upload video to their newsfeed. So, if there’s a surplus of exclamation marks on this blog, just know that I’ve been waiting for this for a while now.
We often get asked by our clients “what is a custom landing page and why is it necessary?” There are many ways to approach advertising in the digital space, however having a custom landing page is the most efficient way to get the desired conversion rate or hard sale. Here are 3 reasons why you should always have a custom built landing page for every one of your digital advertisements:
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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