Marketing Eye
content marketing

These days, it’s harder than ever for businesses to attract the attention of their audience. No matter how good the products or services are, there will always be hefty competition gunning for your customers. While it might be easy to start some sort of bidding war between you and your competition, it’s more effective to begin building a relationship with your audience to establish a sense of trust and thought leadership. You can do this with an effective content marketing strategy. A content strategy utilizes the content that your organization develops to achieve any particular business goals that you have in place, whether it’s driving brand awareness and engagement or pushing a new product. Below, we discuss how to develop an effective content marketing strategy to achieve your business goals.

Market research is the process where you gather information about your business’ buyer’s personas, target audience, and customers to understand how successful your product would be among these people. When you conduct market research for your organization, it allows you to meet your buyers where they are. This process gives you a better picture of what your buyers need, and how you can better address their unique challenges. Below, we discuss how to effectively conduct market research for your organization.

Word-of-mouth marketing is a tried-and-true tactic, used for years before the entire world went digital. While there isn’t much space for word-of-mouth campaigns in a digital world, some tactics are still effective for generating leads and building brand awareness. A customer referral program is a powerful tool built to attract new leads to your business that are a good fit for your brand and your products. With a program like this, you can ensure that you are getting the right people's attention. Below, we discuss how to build an effective customer referral program.

As consumer preferences continue to change in favor of ease and convenience, businesses have to alter their sales and marketing approach. This is no easy feat because the reasons why your customers make purchases rarely stay the same. Value-based marketing outlines the value that your brand and product line give your customers, providing a clearer picture of why they should make purchases. It’s all about showing them that your products are practical, functional, and useful to their daily processes. Below, we discuss elements of value-based marketing that your team should implement.

Happy New Year! While it certainly wasn’t an easy journey for everyone, we learned quite a lot about how flexible and durable our businesses can be in a time of duress. Now that we can officially leave the chaos of 2020 behind us, it’s time to focus on how your brand can strengthen and grow during 2021. Below, we discuss how businesses can implement emerging digital marketing trends for the new year.

Sales enablement is the practice of aligning your sales and marketing efforts to generate leads and convert them to sales. While both departments have similar goals, they each take a different method to accomplish these goals. Companies that experience misalignment of the sales and marketing departments are often dysfunctional, struggling to convert leads and generate revenue. Below, we discuss how you can know when your marketing and sales departments aren’t aligned.

Are you treating customers like leads? Today’s customers are not interested in partnering with a company that will treat them like another number. The customer journey needs to be optimized to include everything your audience needs, whether that’s educational content, product demonstrations, or access to your sales team to discuss what they need. First, you need to develop a stronger lead generation strategy that will draw leads and provide value to where they are. Below, we have four ways to build a better lead generation strategy. 

Businesses around the world are struggling to find ways to be relevant in a business climate that is constantly changing. It can be a difficult process to find new ways to stick out from your competition on a good day, so it's important to find ways to reach your audience even when it's challenging. Below, we discuss four ways your business can stay relevant in even the most challenging business climates. 

You might feel as if implementing a marketing strategy is more of a guideline than a rule, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You wouldn’t play chess without a strategy, so you shouldn’t market your company without one. Sure, budgets may be tight, and it could be hard to justify implementing a strategy that would require time and, especially if it’s outsourced, money. But the truth is, you can’t afford not to have a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is instrumental to the success of your company. Your company may barely survive without one, but it will never thrive. You can’t afford to not have a marketing strategy because without your marketing efforts will be much weaker. A company’s strength comes from its very best plans. Why wouldn’t you want to put your company’s very best foot forward on the path to success?


Video marketing is a distinct niche in the content marketing world, one that seemingly requires a bunch of work and expertise to effectively pull off. The good news is that this isn’t necessarily true! No matter what your company is doing the video realm or how you feel about video in general, there’s no denying the power and impact that video marketing can have for your business. Video marketing is a powerful tool that can educate and entertain your audience at one time, allowing you to drive engagement in new, creative ways. 

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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