Marketing Eye
Do you have a system in place to organize your customers? Whether they are prospects or existing clients you need to have processes in place for keeping track of vital client information. Confused about what is an CRM system? A CRM system is simple a way to organize your clients and prospective clients. Yes, an excel spreadsheet can be considered a CRM system, but for some an excel spreadsheet isn’t enough.This is when they turn to software such as Salesforce. A CRM system is important for several reasons; organization of contact details, keeping track of the sales pipeline, and making sure everyone is on the same page.
As most of you know, in a blink of an eye, the carefully curated “good girl” image of one Taylor Swift was destroyed by a series of snapchat videos exposing her to be a liar and destroying her reputation.  For those of you that live under a rock, you can read about it on  

“What can we learn from this?” you ask, “How does this have any relevance to my business?” let me elaborate.  
The inside sales model is gaining traction around the world and it is imperative that all businesses adopt the trend. A good inside sales rep will take the reins of your business and drive it forward.

Marketing Eye looks at the top ha its and traits of successful inside sales reps (or ISRs of you will).

 I am continually amazed by the number of professional services, technology, manufacturing and logistics companies that fail to see the value in communicating via social media.

The question I pose to you is "how did you find this blog?" and "how do you now know the Marketing Eye brand?" 

I know the answer - do you?

We've all been in love at some stage in our lives and as St Valentine's Day approaches, it gives those with a romantic bone in their body, something to think about.

Over the years, I have been with some of the most romantic men imaginable. St Valentine's Day has been filled with surprises, flowers, love notes, jewellery, surprise holidays, art and above all - love.

In the past couple of years, it's been no secret that perhaps the one thing I want most in life, is a little harder to get than the rest of my bucket list. In fact, it seems to be the only thing that really eludes me.

A company has a problem. They don't like their accountant. Their financial planner just got hit by a bus. The business just got a lot bigger and now they need some HR advice. They don't have a marketing person per se and the owner knows that they are not going anywhere without someone focusing on the company's brand and lead generation campaigns to support their sales team.

The problem has been identified. It now needs a solution. So, what's next? They look for one.


First, they think about who they know. It use to be a case of people they have met or friends of friends, but now there is a not so new revolution to add to the equation. Social media.

Social Media

In the past two weeks we have made almost $200,000 from our social media accounts. It's because companies that we may not have met face to face, but know us through social media and in particular, twitter, linkedin and the company blog, have a problem and the first person they have made contact with is the person they "know" online. You know the one. The person that continually reinforces their expertise in a particular field through showcasing their knowledge, case studies, influence and opinions.

Social media is likened to the old-fashion term "farming" because it takes time, but the investment is worth it in the end if you do all the right things. Farming makes it easier for clients to find you and relate to you and your business. Social media has provided a short-cut in the farming process  but be assured that "farming" is not "prospecting". It is relationship building and you have to be willing to give more than you get.

So, remember next time you go to write on your twitter account that you went out and got totally trashed, but the next day want to be the consumate professional accountant who is looking for new business opportunities that your lifestyle choices may not be what your clients are looking for in a service provider.
It's a lesson that I learned far too late in the game, but nevertheless, I have learnt it and am reaping the rewards.

When clients are rolling in the door, most entrepreneurs are counting the dollars and working out ways in which to service them.

In the past, I have said 'yes' to far too many dodgy characters - people who I knew would never pay their bills, liars and people who just don't fit in with our brand and culture. Every single time, it ended in disaster.

Have we lost the art of having a good relationship?

 Do any of us know what a truly good relationship is? Most of us aspire to have a relationship that ticks all the boxes and is mutually beneficial but like anything, there are good times and there are bad times.

In business, sitting down with your clients and getting to know them on a level where there is mutual respect, kindness, care and understanding, is something that many business people did really well in the eighties but it seems to be an art form of the past.

iStock_000007195500XSmall-300x299It’s Thursday and there is still quite a few to go. Why not try these tips?
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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