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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

We live in an age of Visual Culture, as super bloggerJeff Bullas has deemed. And in this period of time where everyone has a camera phone on stand-by to capture one of life’s many moments, the moniker certainly stands true. 

Visual content is a universal language; Esperanto in image form that people from all over the world share. The image may be of a dog named Pippa with her own Instagram account or it could be an infographic detailing the complex nature of how to bone a fish Masterchef style. It may be a moving image of someone repairing a car engine or attempting fine tapestry.
I was asked yesterday, "how did you attract so many readers to your blog".

I cannot remember the year I started blogging, but it was well before it became mainstream. I started my first blog on blogspot and then matured to having a blog on our company website.
Entrepreneurs, managing directors, CEO's, Presidents, CMO's, marketing managers and digital marketing directors are all thinking about how their 2015 marketing strategies are going to be executed - after all it's that time of year.

While most B2B organizations have been fine tuning their marketing strategies for months, other's are only now just scrambling to put one together. At Marketing Eye, December and January is our highest inquiry month predominantly due to so many companies waiting until the last minute to develop their marketing strategies.

It's crazy because by leaving it to the last minute, you are already starting behind the 8-ball and giving your more organized competitors a head start. 

Here are some things that you should be thinking about:

It's Sunday and rather than head to my nearest Starbucks to buy a NY Times, I decided to get all of my news online. Looking for some inspiration from other bloggers as I am about to embark on phase 3 of Marketing Eye's expansion and to be honest, I am nervous and excited at the same time. Any wisdom from my fellow bloggers is welcome. 

Another thing that struck me while looking for blogs is how out of date they are. If you type in a search in Google, you will get blogs as far back as 2005 that have never been written on again. Hope with the new change of algorithms that Google fixes this problems.

However, there are 20 very worthwhile blogs that are great weekend reads if you are looking for something easy to absorb, interesting, educational and business savvy.


Business blogging can be tricky – your writing has to be professional, yet casual; informative, but not cut into the products/services you are selling, and (most importantly) open.

However, the work you put into it is extremely beneficial when it comes to your company’s branding, giving the world an insight into what’s behind the scenes. On top of that, writing a blog can grow your business as you position your company as a thought leader in its industry.
Jan 24, 2013
Business blogging can be tricky – your writing has to be professional, yet casual; informative, but not cut into the products/services you are selling, and (most importantly) open.

However, the work you put into it is extremely beneficial when it comes to your company’s branding, giving the world an insight into what’s behind the scenes. On top of that, writing a blog can grow your business as you position your company as a thought leader in its industry.
Jan 21, 2013
If you thought it was easier to use social media than to write a blog, then consider this. 53.5 percent of internet users will read blogs this year, whilst our social network counterparts are on a declining scale.

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube and a good website that ineracts with your customers, on all levels - tis the small business marketing machine.

It's true. Small business, may be a BIG business online if your machine is well oiled and working efficiently, generating the results that you expect.
I am addicted to twitter, facebook, sweet buscuits, Nutrient Water and Entourage. I can’t live without them and I am so absorbed in each of these things, that I fret when they are not accessible.
Viral marketing is getting harder and harder as the web community grows more and more cynical. Being an elusive spread of a message through the population likened to contagion, Viral Marketing can either hit everyone or no-one at all.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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