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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Marketing Eye Marketing Articles

Who out there is looking deeply into their sales performance over the past 12 months to help model a sales process for 2013?

As we look back at Salesforce records and reports and ascertain who made the decision to buy, postpone or sit on their hands, it's alarming how many people are doing the latter.

What happens in marketing and sales for that matter is that people don't make decisions. Many businesses are underperforming because they are unable to attach performance goals with real business needs. 
Yesterday, I picked up my game. No longer walking around with the weight of the world on my shoulders, I changed the outcomes of the week, the month and possibly my life - all in a day.

Simply by getting eight hours sleep (a blessing!), having a dynamic new recruit from Atlanta in the Melbourne office, seeing the team excited about life and their work and watching everyone and everything grow in so many ways - I had an a-ha moment (think Oprah).

It was almost like an outer-body experience. Here I was, looking from the outside in and all I saw was highly motivated, excited people that were all ready to tackle the world head-on and believed so strongly in what they were doing and how they were doing it - that they sent some type of magical energy to every person they came into contact with - including me!
Welcoming Lisa Homa

Welcoming Lisa Homa

Dec 10, 2012 Written by
Atlanta entrepreneurs stand to gain additional insights on business growth and small business marketing through Marketing Eye’s new recruit, Lisa Homa.

The experienced marketing consultant has joined the Atlanta team, bringing to the role extensive knowledge in the advertising, finance, IT, human resources and research industries.

She previously held roles at global advertising giant Clemenger Group and also gained international exposure through her previous corporate and boutique work in Australia and the UK.

As Marketing Eye’s dynamic consultant, Lisa will work with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help Atlanta’s small- and medium-sized businesses boost their success and experience exponential growth.
Professional services firms are known as the "safest" b2b marketers, only second behind that of the medical industry.

Still stuck in the dark ages, many professional services firms still believe that 'good work speaks for itself' and "you need to find the clients pain" ensuring that they keep it "safe" when embarking on marketing of any kind, rather than looking deep into customer insights to drive leads and create more sustainable client relationships.

What professional services firms are forgetting is that while they may still be on track to achieving their sales goals, being complacent and not moving with the times, will make it almost impossible to stay competitve.
Each day I speak to more than a dozen entrepreneurs at a bare minimum. My job is to connect with entrepreneurs and understand their businesses, challenges and what they are trying to achieve.

Yesterday, I call came through from a man wanting some help with a marketing strategy. He had just started an online business and it wasn't doing so well. He needed a strategy but could do all the work in-house if we told him what to do.
Seduced by No. 5

Seduced by No. 5

Oct 15, 2012 Written by
In the background, my television was screening the news. I was half listening while typing away on my keyboard a hundred words per minute trying to finalize some last minute communications with my team.

Then I heard a voice. It was familiar. Manly. Strong. Thoughtful. Original.

I looked up.
Up close and personal with marketing industry veteran
As an ex-journalist, interviewing people of all backgrounds and walks of life is second nature to me. I've interviewed police officers, politicians and met the Prime Minister, but have never been asked to have a sit-down interview with my former news organisation's owner (who would be Rupert Murdoch himself - eep!).

Today, I'm on day two in the marketing industry and have been given the chance to pick the brain of Marketing Eye founder, Mellissah Smith – it’s a slightly daunting ask, especially when you consider that she was little older than I was when she first branched out and went solo in her first agency.

“I’ve been in marketing for 20-odd years and was 25 when I started my first agency – what inspired me to start was an account opportunity falling in my lap,” Mellissah said.
The king of reinvention then subsequent flops, Myspace, has once again relaunched and its looking very promising. A mixture between an entertainment version of Pinterest with a splash of Twitter and Facebook, has seen the new promotion video linked to The New Myspace go viral.

"Who am I to say I want you back? When you were never mine to give away."

The lyrics that accompanies the promotional video reinforces the company's positioning. Having sold for US$580 million to News Corporation in 2005, the 9 year old business (founded in 2003) has reinvented itself which what can only be described as a "beautiful" looking website. Aesthetically, it has WINNER all over it, but the proof will be in how they not only attract their followers but keep them.

Scoring Justin Timberlake, an early investor into the comeback is of course clever marketing because after all, he is the "comeback king" and is considered one of the coolest and sexiest people on the planet. If brand association is anything to go by, the public should be in for something very special.

What do you think?

Qantas, you are the reason we fly
Qantas is running an international campaign "you are the reason we fly" and I am quite impressed by their agency's work on this campaign.
I am not sure about you, but Jodie Foster is one of my all time favourite actresses. For me, she is an actress with integrity, talent and professionalism. Never has she sold her soul for a role and she is always the first to stand up for her friends. First it was Mel Gibson, then it was Robert Downey Jnr and now it is Kristen Stewart.

The latter, is the most fascinating, because she has taken the unprecedented step of writing an article about her thoughts on the way the media is behaving. Not only do I thoroughly agree with article published in The Daily Beast, I am also impressed by her articulate writing skills. I would place her in the upper echelons of professional writers and in the article she has been able to communicate clearly just how hard it is for someone as young as Kristen Stewart to live in the fishbowl of super-stardom.

What do you think?

Olympics creates sales boost for McDonalds UK
Leo Burnett is a clever advertising agency. I am always impressed by their work. They have big budgets and can pay for talent, so when they bring out a new campaign, you know that it is worth looking at.

For instance, the McDonalds campaign for the Olympics, "We all make the games" shows British consumers how they can celebrate the Olympics at home. The campaign uses Team GB supporters in the press, digital and outdoor media focusing on people who make the games happen - those who sit at home and watch it.
Prada Eyewear Launches New Billboard
Walking through the Melpansa Airport in Milan last week, I was particularly impressed by the attention that this billboard was receiving from passengers about to board flights.

Prada Eyewear has appeal - big time! As a stylish fashion accessory, they are moving leaps and bounds into becoming one of the top couple of eyewear brands in the world. Who would have thought that a fashion company would be able to translate their brand so well in the eyewear space.

Love this billboard! What do you think?
Milan Billboard for Dolce and Gabbana
What do you think of this billboard I came across in the Milan Airport (Melpansa) last week?

As far as billboards are concerned, I am always impressed by the European billboards that are on display and in particular, this one for Dolce and Gabbana. Flying from Atlanta through to Milan on a stopover, I could identify with the quality of billboards in Italy in comparison to the one's that I see in Atlanta, Georgia and some other parts of the US.

This billboard particularly reminds me of the photoshoot by Julia Roberts' character in Step Mom where she takes a photograph of the caterer with a bunch of supermodels.

Very stylish? Your thoughts?
brandLast night, after a good friend’s birthday celebration, I headed off to Trak in Toorak to hear Ben Hazelwood, a final 8 contestant on The Voice sing with Prinny Stevens.

They were brilliant. They clearly loved what they were doing and were coming to terms with their new-found fame in Australia. There were hundreds of fans completely absorbed by every word they sang. It was great to see.

As we stood around chatting in one of the private bars, I watched Ben Hazelwood at work. He was the consummate professional, exceptionally polite and engaging.

He is already a superstar and it is easy to see how his future will unfold.

yusenSome people are just great blokes! Marketing Eye works extensively in the logistics, supply chain and transport sectors, providing an outsourced marketing department to many of Australia's most successful companies in this space.

In my experience, I have not yet worked with a company in this sector that doesn't have great people representing their brands. What is unique is that many of these companies, no matter how competitive it is, work with other companies in the same area to fulfil the needs of their clients.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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Marketing Eye
  • Our addresses:
    3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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