Marketing Eye Marketing Articles

Not-for-profit and not-knowing-what-to-do-to-get-with-the-times?
May 24, 2011 Written by Mellissah Smith In the last month, I noticed another not-for-profit that I have been very familiar with over the years finally get online and join the ranks of facebook and twitter.
Not-for-profits in 95 percent of cases are for very good causes and definately whether they make a profit or not, have their hearts in the right place.
Not-for-profits in 95 percent of cases are for very good causes and definately whether they make a profit or not, have their hearts in the right place.
Published in Marketing

Planking is the action of lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual public spaces and photographing it.
Marketing Eye CEO, Julie Schoneveld joined the craze today, together with Pip (the Director's dog). Planking is viral marketing at its best. There is not a day that goes by that there is not a report about planking.
P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Marketing Eye CEO, Julie Schoneveld joined the craze today, together with Pip (the Director's dog). Planking is viral marketing at its best. There is not a day that goes by that there is not a report about planking.
P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Published in Marketing

Never thought that having an odd sign on a door would make a destination so memorable. Everyone in the ladies restroom at Adelaide Airport when I was there were in fits of laughter about a sign that may imply that visitors drink toilet water. Now, really... has anyone ever had a glass of toilet water in lieu of clean water out of a tap?
P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Published in Marketing

You can come up with a reason for doing almost everything... including murder, so coming up with reasons to not succeed is a piece of cake.
Everyday, I talk to small businesses who say they want to grow, but always have a reason why they haven't. "Useless salesman, economy is bad, product is going through changes, website isn't generating leads, too busy running the business"... and the list goes on.
Everyday, I talk to small businesses who say they want to grow, but always have a reason why they haven't. "Useless salesman, economy is bad, product is going through changes, website isn't generating leads, too busy running the business"... and the list goes on.
Published in Marketing

Having travelled many times to the United States over the years for both business and pleasure, I have to say, that I have fallen in love with it all over again.
My recent travels were meant to be educational, and they were, but they also ensured that I revisited my old stomping grounds, reunited with friends that I hadn't seen in years and had new and exciting experiences that I will never forget.
It does help that the first time I went to the United States the dollar was 57c to every AU$1 dollar. Not ideal. Today, it sits nicely at $1.08 which pleases me no end and has definately aided in bringing back the passion I have for travelling to their great country.
My recent travels were meant to be educational, and they were, but they also ensured that I revisited my old stomping grounds, reunited with friends that I hadn't seen in years and had new and exciting experiences that I will never forget.
It does help that the first time I went to the United States the dollar was 57c to every AU$1 dollar. Not ideal. Today, it sits nicely at $1.08 which pleases me no end and has definately aided in bringing back the passion I have for travelling to their great country.
Published in Marketing
Published in Marketing

Who has had a bad coffee? I am sure that 100% of people have had an experience of a bad coffee and no doubt will continue to as our favourite brands are not always available, where we want them to be. The coffee industry is a burgeoning industry, and locally in Australia, companies like Vittoria Coffee has pioneered the coffee industry and taken a significant dominance in the buying decisions of not only coffee shops but also to consumers who pick coffee off the shelf at the local Coles or Woolworths stores.
Published in Marketing
Marketing Managers Looking To Work With Exciting Small Businesses – Read here!
Jan 19, 2011 Written by Mellissah Smith [Picture] Marketing Manager – Melbourne $70k plus fantastic bonuses
Published in Marketing
Ever feel that you have a little more in you even after you have given something all you have got?
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Published in Marketing

Published in Marketing

Have you ever been on a date from hell? Unfortunately, I have to say I have been on a few, but that tends to go with the territory if you are in your 30’s and single
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Published in Marketing

Published in Marketing
On Monday, I had a sigh of relief… only a couple more days in the office finishing off stuff that should have been completed last week.
Published in Marketing