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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

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Marketing and Advertising have long been known for being exciting, innovative, clever, and plenty of other things that help businesses and brands get outside the box and engage consumers in unique and memorable ways. On the flipside, Marketing and Advertising have also occasionally been guilty of making some disastrous decisions that either hurt a brand or demolish the marketing or advertising budget of the business. I will leave the verdict up to you, but here are some interesting marketing and advertising strategies that make for a good water cooler debate in the office.
Nurturing quality leads and maintaining good client relationships is almost a job of its own, especially considering how difficult it can be at times. I think we all know that burning bridges is a foolish idea, no matter how right it feels to give them a piece of your mind. That’s a slam dunk, no-brainer, gimme-putt in the business world today, but is that enough? If we avoid burning bridges, can we consider it a job well done?
Oh Honey, You Do NOT Have The Eye…
Your third eye, it’s real.

In Buddhism, your third eye, often denoted as a small dot between the eyebrows, is a representation of your minds eye. Many followers of the religion also believe the eye to be a representation of wisdom. Some Hindu philosophers view “the eye”, as an extrasensory perception, that is, being able to see things in your daily life not plain to the naked eye. In other words, the eye allows you to look beyond what you see.

In business, as in both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, it’s important to open up your third eye; In my line of work, we call that your Marketing Eye.

What does that mean?
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We hear this story all the time from clients:

“My product and/or service is amazing!
It has so many capabilities and endless possibilities- it can do this and it can do that…
We need to do this and we need to do that right now!”

While the end product is in fact amazing, these entrepreneurs are so head deep into their product that it consumes them. It consumes them so much to which they have lost sight of their initial goal. Establishing their brand. Yes, It’s great that your product does so many things and will be able to do much more in the future, but ask yourself “Is my brand well known right now?” if you answered no then take a step back and focus on pushing out current content that tells your brand story. Once your product has traction then you can start releasing and pushing out new content.
Creating a Lead Magnet

Creating a Lead Magnet

Jun 21, 2016 Written by
We’ve all heard the expression “money is in the list,” and it’s true. So, to build the list what is your best tool? I’m a fan of the lead magnet. A lead magnet is defined as an irresistible and ethical bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. Creating a good lead magnet is different than just creating something. It has to be relevant to what you eventually want to sell, and it has to be of value to your audience.
Trust Me, They Can Hear You Just Fine
Marketing to seniors isn’t old news; however, just like the millennial generation and generation X, senior citizens are adapting and evolving to marketing tactics more quickly than we give them credit. It can be tough to effectively communicate your message to them because they were born into a different time, but are also a part of today’s ever-changing world.

You can’t afford to just look past this powerful demographic, even if senior citizens take longer than your average consumer to make a buying decision. This well-aged group has 77% of the wealth in the United States. To get you on your way, here are five tips that can help you engage those seniors.
4 Reasons To Get Google Analytics Certified
Recently we posted a blog telling Marketers to “Step Your Game Up.” This blog points out the first order of business was to get you Google Analytics Certification. I’m guessing you didn’t run right out and do that.

Information on visitor behavior is vital to the success of any website. I know we all use Google Analytics everyday. If your day is like mine you have coffee, go through emails, then check Analytics. You understand the program, you understand what you are looking at. Why are you not certified? Lazy? Think it doesn’t matter? The following are 4 major reasons to just take the time and get your certification.
Hey Marketers Step Your Game Up
“Success doesn’t just come and find you. You have to go out and get it.” –Kushandwizdom. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Marketing is evolving and changing everyday. We at Marketing Eye can’t stress enough about how it is important it is to keep educating yourself as a marketer. It is especially important in this new age with technology popping up left and right, and rising generations that are driven solely by the digital universe. We understand the challenge and we want to help you, so below are a few ways to help you step your game up as a certified badass marketer. [space height="HEIGHT"]

The Power Of Referrals

May 27, 2016 Written by
In this day and age, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements in the streets, on television, and on their smartphones too. Businesses understand it is becoming increasingly difficult to capture the attention of consumers and build trust through mass emails and cold-calls.

Thankfully, there is a way to combat the struggle of gaining consumers’ trust without breaking the bank: a referral program.
Stay Out Of The SPAM Folder!
So you are planning on sending out an email campaign. You have been very focused on writing your copy, creating the perfect design and you are finally satisfied that it will receive an AMAZING click through rate and a TERRIFIC open rate. What if the email never reaches your audience’s inbox? They will never get to see all your beautiful work. :( [space height="HEIGHT"]
We all get spam. [space height="HEIGHT"]
It’s The Little Things That Matter
In marketing it is the little things that count. Our Founder, Mellissah Smith, constantly reminds the team of the importance of details. In marketing it is about standing out. Don’t be ordinary, be extraordinary. Market yourself and market your company. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Below are some tips on how to take the extra step as a marketer.
Are You Still Marketing Without A Strategy?
It’s time to break your business out of the Stone Age! Without a proper marketing and communications strategy your business will not accomplish exponential growth. Think to yourself, is it okay to start a business without a business model/strategy? No. So why are you still marketing without a marketing and communications strategy – it’s a waste of time and money and time is money so basically you just wasted a ton of money due to your lack of marketing efforts. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Good For The Environment, Good For You
When considering opening a business, most people think about profits. However in today’s world, more and more business owners are considering what they can do to go green! [space height="HEIGHT"]
Green business is defined as an enterprise that has minimal negative impact on the global environment, community, society, or economy. Often times these businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies.
Marketing Technologies You Can’t Live Without
Marketing technology is an essential part of the marketing mix. To understand fully the implementations of various technology platforms, is hard and near impossible for most full-time marketing managers navigating today’s competitive landscape. [space height="HEIGHT"]
This week, we have been completing our yearly in-depth training sessions with our U.S. based team. That means reminding ourselves about all areas of marketing, and what role technology plays in powering marketing performance. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Like most seasoned marketers, we break up the marketing technology mix into six categories; marketing experiences, operations, middleware, platforms, infrastructure and internet.
Why Marketers Need Millennials More Than Ever
In case you have been living under a rock, the “millennial generation” is adults that age from 18 to 34 years old. This generation has been causing a lot of chaos for marketers and brands alike. With a generation so connected to the world and their cellular devices, how do you reach them? It seems that nothing can captivate their attention. Brands are panicking and the attention span of a millennial is shrinking. Is time running out? Maybe and maybe not. Social Media Millennial Marketers [space height="HEIGHT"]
Why not solve the problem with an obvious solution…hire a millennial. They are your target audience and they know exactly how the millennial mind works.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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