Marketing Eye Marketing Articles

Advertising Age (US) Front Cover - Something Most Agencies Can Relate To
Jan 12, 2012 Written by Mellissah Smith
I don't know about you, but I am feeling pretty good about 2012. Sitting in the kitchen of a friend's home in Vail, I am spending literally hours trawling through websites on marketing from around the world.
With entrepreneurs surrounding me, I constantly ask them what they read online, what apps they download and what is the best marketing campaigns that they have seen. Its an interesting conversation and everyone seems to have a number of websites they love that is consistent with the others and a few have a some 'pearlers' that are untapped by the average entrepreneur that is a must-have resource.
The U-turn in Public Relations: Why the media has to change its ways.
The entire purpose of Public Relations is to communicate with the public, whether at a government, organisational or individual level. Therefore, it only makes sense that if we now all turn to our computers to talk to each other, then journalists and PR companies need to do the same.
If you mention the word ‘Twitter’ to a room of PR people, I’m sure it would generate a huge buzz of opinions. After all, it is one of the most fundamental changes in how media works today. Instead of sending out press releases, the publicist can now just send a tweet to a journalist through their twitter account with a link to a press release, landing page, video or social media experiment, and instantly have the journalists attention.
If you are not sure how the above relates to 2012 social media trends, then perhaps you should spend a few minutes searching google and type some of these topics in to see what sort of result you get. Maybe, log into your twitter account and see what people are saying (& trending) about President Barack Obama, the European Economic Crisis or Facebook's IPO.
I am an avid skier. I love spending the day skiing and nights by a log fire talking about life, business and how I am going to change the world. One of my good friends who has kindly agreed to host me in Vail this week for 10 days skiing and a bit of business, suggested that I may like to take a look at his good friend's beautiful ski label before we head up the mountain. On the first mention, I thought 'why not', but then I took a look at their website and the jackets and pants were really nice... BUT... they are not the brand that I have been wearing since the first day I ever went skiing. No matter how nice they are, I just could not imagine wearing a jacket from another brand. I would feel disloyal.
I didn't mean to be that loyal to Spyder and Bogner (My BRANDS), but somehow, since that first sales person sold a Spyder ski outfit to me, I have been incredibly loyal ever since. I now own every single item that you can possibly own that has the Spyder brand on it. Bogner was a later acquisition (when I had saved enough money!!!!) and is completely non- competing with my love of the Spyder brand. It's European and is more for when I want to look sophisticated and stylish rather than athletic or sporty. Bogner is also considerably more expensive and is something I only bring out for extra special occasions although I do feel totally luxurious when I am wearing it and I always feel that I should be in Val de Sere or St Moritz when I am decked head to toe in Bogner. It quite simply makes me feel beautiful.
Whereas Spyder is for everyday wear. When I put on my Spyder gear, I feel like I am wearing the best, most practical, safest, warmest attire on the slopes and that I won't have to worry about the small things like snow soaking my jacket or feeling cold as the temperature changes. I also feel like the brand is not a 'show off' brand, and more for the sporty person who loves adventure and is not fussed about the small things in life. Even if you are not a good skier, when you have Spyder on, you feel like you are going to be.
Brands are funny things. Some people will only ever drive a Toyota car. Others will only ever wear Nike when they are playing sports. For me, I will only ever wear Spyder or Bogner when I ski, and only ever play golf with Callaway. There may be better out there, but the shift to try it is too great for a brand loyalist like myself.

In my case, too many. When will e-tailers learn? If I look at buying a flight online, I have to say that the experience is simple. I put in my details, my flight gets booked and they send a confirmation to my email account. Simple.

However, there is some positive news. With the Retailers Association pushing consumers to go back to buying from local shops and Xmas just weeks away, retail should be on the 'up'.
To make it as a successful marketing manager, there are many traits that you need to have. It no longer is just about understanding and delivering in a marketing capacity, but more importantly being able to understand the fundamentals of business and have an ability to execute the company’s business plan from a sales and marketing perspective.