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You may have noticed, people live on their devices, I know I feel like I’m missing an arm without my cell phone. 82% of buyers research you online before they take action, be it buying your product or service or calling you to schedule a demo. This means your digital presence has to be up to snuff.

There are lots of great ways to help generate leads through your website. Having someone opt in by giving you their “almighty” email address can be very powerful. Previously we posted about subscribe boxes and pop up email collection apps but there are tons of ways to get someone to opt in and make it fun at the same time. One of my favorites is a quiz.
How Often Do You Network?

If you are a business struggling to get leads and you answered “never” to the above question then you are in for a big surprise.
I run a thousand miles an hour. I have a hundred things happening at any given time. My name is being called either in the office, on the phone or in my inbox all day long, and my head is ready to explode.
For all of Australia and New Zealand, we have just started a new financial year. Companies that are strategic and have long-term goals, often already have a marketing plan in place, while other's may have been busy getting their last set of figures in for the year, and missed doing the planning that is necessary to catapult their businesses in 2016/17. Which company are you? 
Your third eye, it’s real.

In Buddhism, your third eye, often denoted as a small dot between the eyebrows, is a representation of your minds eye. Many followers of the religion also believe the eye to be a representation of wisdom. Some Hindu philosophers view “the eye”, as an extrasensory perception, that is, being able to see things in your daily life not plain to the naked eye. In other words, the eye allows you to look beyond what you see.

In business, as in both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, it’s important to open up your third eye; In my line of work, we call that your Marketing Eye.

What does that mean?
Whether it's the second quarter or last quarter of your financial year, you would note that something is going on in the economy and it's creating a lot of uncertainty. 
Today is April 1st. Everyone knows that means it’s April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day. This is a day to “duck and cover” if you work or live with pranksters.

April Fools’ has been a tradition for centuries, possibly dating back to France in 1582. People didn't want to start the new year on January 1st and continued to celebrate it at the end of March/beginning of April. These people became the butt of jokes and hoaxes.  
Recently, everyone in the Atlanta office took a personality test. If you follow our blogs you can see that we have a very diverse group here in ATL! This helps keep us on our toes and gives us the unusual ability to see a problem from different angles for our clients. But enough about us, we know our personalities. What I want to know is - do you know the personality of your brand?
There are many important factors to consider when expanding a business. Growing a business isn't easy and I can't pretend to have too much experience in scaling up. I am still in the early stages of doing this with Marketing Eye, and there have been some challenges, but largely it's all about hard work, determination, and motivation to finish a job that you started.

Here is what you should know when expanding your business: 
Entrepreneurs beware!!!! Are you still sitting on your hands instead of making very important business decisions because you are so indecisive or you have no clue which way to go and are not prepared to take the risk?

So many entrepreneurs have amazing ideas. True. So many them never see them through. Fact.

It's a new year, well, at least we are almost a quarter of the way through 2016, and business people still trying to climb to the next level keep  on having these stops and starts that at the end of the only costs them time, money and an ability to be more successful.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.