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The job of a marketer has changed and morphed over time. The position used to be more simple and straightforward, only focusing on a few things. With the advances in technology and the connectivity that the internet has provided for people all over the world, marketers are asked to do more tasks in less time. The marketer of today has become a hybrid position, the result of a marriage between business and creativity. The two main points or goals marketers are to maintain or increase their company's brand while doing the same for their revenue. These two areas are often polarized and at times not align with each other.

“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” - Jonathan Gottschall
At this point in time, our company is putting together the ultimate marketing team. One that will not only take the company into the future, but will reinvent how marketing is done across all platforms. They are people that challenge the norm, create change, disrupt thinking and collaboratively use their united knowledge and expertise to push the envelope and see what is possible.

There’s a common stigma in the sales world that top-performing reps need to be Type-A, extroverted personalities. When we think of the ideal salesman or saleswoman, we’re imagining a smooth talking, outgoing, loud, and confident person. While these sales traits are true on many levels, effective salespeople come in many forms. 

Entrepreneurship is a tough gig. Add jumping into it alone - that's even tougher. There's always going to be hurdles and barriers that you will face, but the biggest hurdle of all is your mindset.
With half of the year behind us, companies are beginning the evaluate their sales for the year, marketing strategies, and business growth. As the second quarter approaches, changes and updates are in order. 

Being a business executive is not easy. You have to be persistent. You wake up early and work long hours to meet those deadlines and accomplish your goals. Most of the time, self-care can become a foreign concept; one that is pushed to the bottom of your to-do list for the sake of efficiency.

While you could read a blog about how you NEED to take time to take better care of yourself - why not save time and do what you do best? Multitask.

Does your company send out emails as a marketing tactic? Maybe your business sends out a monthly newsletter or a monthly sales promotion. If you don’t, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to nurture leads, build brand awareness and increase sales. 

The GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format, is hardly a new concept in the social media world. Since its inception in 1987, the internet quickly embraced the GIF and its relevance is still prominent today.

I talk to a variety of different business owners daily. From entrepreneurs to Healthcare CEO’s, Founders of new technology startups; no matter who I talk to I see the same hesitation when it comes to marketing.  

You understand the importance of marketing, but you’re really afraid to “jump the gun”. Outsourcing your marketing seems like a gamble. If this resonates with you, maybe you should address where this hesitation is coming from.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.