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Never give away everything at once, it's as simple as that.

Too many entrepreneurs get so desperate that they give away the kitchen sink when in fact all their prospect wanted to know was that they could do a good job.

As an entrepreneur, it's hard to start a business and to keep it going year-after-year profitability creating value and jobs. But many do so very successful, and yet those who fail seem to do so falling often on their own sword.
For the past 3 weeks I have been quite sick and it has been incredibly hard to be able to work at a pace that is acceptable in my business. Fortunately for me, the team has been running seamlessly and have continued to grow and prosper.

Due to our inherent need for a number of new positions to be filled due to our high growth company, we have to be very careful what clients we take on for now and the future.
I am not stupid. At least I don't think I am.

I try to listen to what others have to say and when someone gives me advice, I usually take it.

I have these two men in my life that are mentors. They are the two men throughout the world that I hold in the highest business esteem. Yes, the world. Not just Australia, but the world.

Their names are Jack Cowin and Peter Ivany. If you don't know who they are, Google them. It will be well worth your while. They are not your average 'smart cookies', they are briliant businessmen - beyond the brilliance of anyone else I have ever met (and I have met people worth hundreds of billions of dollars and spent quality time with them). I think these two guys are better. 
I am in a really good space at the moment. Life is going swimmingly well. I am thoroughly enjoying the challenges at work. My social life is busy and fun. I have surrounded myself with good people and there is a lot going on to keep me... interested.

While I can't sit still when it comes to making my life as diverse as possible, I certainly remain focused on the end goal. 
I was in New York sipping champagne courtesy of Waldorf Astoria's fantastic service, mingling with the rich and famous mostly because I was in the right place at the right time, and breathing in all that this fast paced, inspirational city has to offer.
As Kim Kardashian prepares too have her second child and her stepfather has completed his transgender journey, it is an appropriate time to look at the 'Kardashian Effect'.

The Urban Dictionary defines the Kardashian effect as “
The practice of caring about D list celebrities who have no talent and contribute nothing to society.” However there is another, more positive way at looking at this phenomenon, and that is to examine the business behind how the Kardashians became so popular.
I won't beat around the bush on this topic because it's something that we all experience at some point in time - and if you say that you don't, I am calling #bullshit.

I am always asked to help friends out with marketing. It's been something that I am asked every week by at least one person. I tend to shy away from it. I know you are thinking "why?". The truth is that I think deep down that I won't be good enough to help them. They deserve the best to get their business idea off the ground or take their business to the next level. And that may not be me. It may be one of my team members. It may even be a competitor.

Here's why:
It's happened. I tell you... I dreamed about it but didn't really expect it would really happen. It did... and now I am chasing my tail.

The business is growing at a phenomenal rate. One that I am not exactly sure I can sustain, but as you would have it, I have been taught by a few great mentors along the way to implement a number of systems, invest in good technology and hire the best people. All of which I have done.
We all fail. We may not set out to fail, but inevitably, failure will find us and it happens more than we would would like. 

I fail at many things: communicating the value proposition of our business when we have severely over serviced a client, walking my dog each day, keeping employees engaged, keeping a timesheet and letting go.

My biggest failure 
There's just something good about Friday. Most people see it as the second best day of the week (next to Saturdays).  But, Fridays can be the best day of the week for an entrepreneur.  Monday through Thursday is reserved for working like crazy in your business, but Fridays is the day to work on your business.  For me, Monday through Thursday is spent marketing my clients' businesses, meeting with prospects, attending events and writing marketing strategies for my customers.  I reserve Friday to re-energize my business and myself.  This is when I put together marketing plans for my own business, I set goals and budgets, write blogs, engage in activities that inspire my creativity,  and connect with mentors, friends and others in my field. 
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.