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You get it, posting content is crucial. But make no mistake, the kind of content you are posting is essential to your business’s success. Quit posting content that isn’t going to benefit you- stop making these content marketing mistakes!
It came and went like a fast paced, road runner – and now we are left with a mere 9 weeks until the end of what has been a phenomenal year by many accounts.

At Marketing Eye, our client base has increased by more than 30 percent giving our company greater exposure to more industry sectors and new product categories. We have commenced development of the first Robotic Marketer in the world, and are nearing the end of phase one of eskrape, our human resources management platform.
“Humans and machines – each on their own – won’t be enough to drive businesses in the coming decades. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will be those that know how to meld the two effectively” – Accenture.

It’s those forward-thinking businesses who have adopted robotics, automation software and technologies, that have increased their productivity by over 200% evidence suggest. This helps re-affirm what the future workforce will look like: human and digital interaction on a daily basis.
Perfectionism can be taken to unrealistic heights: let’s cast our minds to the fallout of the Harvey Weinstein scandal in the US. It has exposed some of Hollywood’s dirty secrets of sexual harassment in the pursuit of perfection.

By this I mean, ambition often gets a bad rap. The trait that pushes someone toward success can sometimes turn into a game where winning isn’t about achieving; it’s about beating the other person. Channel it correctly, however, and ambition can bring great results.
In the media or life in general, there is an expectation for everyone to be flawless. On social media, everyone appears impeccable - but when one investigates deep down the vault of reality, life appears far from what we see on our screens or on the news stand.

So why do so many of us feel the need to drive in this lane towards perfection? Are these expectations doing us more harm than good?
LinkedIn has about half a billion users worldwide and the chances that your next client are scrolling through their feed right now is likely. The largest B2B social platform in the world has came out with more feature updates in the first half of 2017 than the entirety of 2016. 

The point: LinkedIn is catching on like wildfire! (not a Game of Thrones reference either!)
There are times in one’s own life that stick out as defining moments that shape who we are, the same way a massive flood can change the Earth’s landscape by carving it into pieces and destroying what was once there. 

On April 29th of this year, I received a call from an old Army friend of mine that no one was expecting. He called and told us that Weston Lee had been hit by an IED and passed away the night before. 
Do you live a purposeful life? Do you consciously make decisions based on your purpose? Are you aware that you are more powerful with purpose?

I've lived an interesting life. Like many entrepreneurs I have gone from having an idea to seeing it through, having another idea and seeing it fall in a heap and then the momentum of building a business to heights that you actually have never imagined.
Many people are born with realized raw talent from the beginning, such as art or singing, while others not so easily have to navigate towards a possible strength and exploit it as a career. And by others, I mean me. There’s a stark difference between the two, so which one are you hiring? Let’s take a further look:
Back in 2011, the Georgia Legislature started an initiative that would encourage the growth of small and medium businesses through crowdfunding investments. The new rule change, which is was officially in effect since last month, will allow for SMB’s to get around the previous restrictions of crowdfunding in the state. 
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.